Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 541: It's also quite scheming BOY

Zheng Yi squeezed, and finally sent a photo.

Lin Rui and Qibao went to see them quickly.


They saw a picture of a big beard with curly hair. Not to mention the unshaven ones, their eyes were a little swollen, and their eyes were full of blue shadows, and they often stayed up late.

Lin Rui's mouth twitched.

Back in Canglan Continent, although the big brother was not slick, he has never been like this.

Lin Rui: Do you have any previous photos? When there is no beard.

Zheng Yi: (a_a)?

Yunze couldn't sit still here.

He called, and asked calmly, "Xiao Rui, do you think this Zheng Yi is inappropriate?"


"Then why..."

"I just want to know what he looks like, now he has a shaggy beard, and I can't see his original appearance."


Lin Rui's tone was too natural and calm, and he didn't feel a bit charming. He was so generous, it seemed that he was thinking too much.

Yunze sighed slightly, feeling that he could not go on like this.

If you continue, you can't control your emotions anymore.

He said slowly, "Well, he is a technical house. He has always stayed at home, but I have a photo with him before. He doesn't have that much beard. Wait, I'll send it to you."


After the phone was hung up, Yunze turned on the computer and found a photo from three years ago.

At that time, Zheng Yi did not have a big beard, but he often liked to stay up late, his face was sallow and dark circles under his eyes.

It was a teenager who was standing next to him, with exquisite features and beautiful face, looking as if he was a beautiful boy who had come out of a cartoon.

Yunze was satisfied, and then sent this photo to Lin Rui.

Even if Zheng Yi doesn't have that big beard, his appearance is definitely easily killed by him.

It's also quite scheming BOY.

But what Yunze did not expect was that when Lin Rui got the picture, the first thing he saw was Zheng Yi.

This otaku-like Zheng Yi gradually merged with the big brother in Lin Rui's memory, especially when the big brother made a satisfying gadget, the corners of his mouth were raised high.

The smile is bright and warm.

"Big Brother..." Lin Rui murmured.

Xiao Qibao also felt a little moist in the corners of his eyes, and he said with emotion, "When I went to various circles with Ah Xing, we said goodbye to Zheng Yi, and I don’t know what happened to him. Now it seems...could it be that he also died And then reincarnated?"

"Find an opportunity and test him." Lin Rui said softly.

At this time, Lin Rui's gaze moved over, and he felt distressed when he saw Ah Xing who was sick and pale beside Zheng Yi.

"Axing, don't worry, I will undo your seal and make you healthy!"

The photo storm is finally over.

Lin Rui stepped into the subject and talked about Cheng Jing.

Lin Rui: The Cheng family is a face and face in the imperial city. Even if the head of the Cheng family is willing to take his nephew Cheng Jing home, it does not mean that he would be willing to accept Xu Man who has problems.

Lin Rui: Xu Man participated in the deliberate murder of me, and Xiaofeng was evidence of her derailment in her marriage. I want the Cheng family to give up on this matter, and let Cheng Jing never mention Xu Man and her children.

Fu Yunzhi: Your circle is really messy.

Lin Rui: It's chaos everywhere, so I want you to correct the chaos.

Zheng Yi: It's simple. I can send these information to Cheng Cheng Patriarch's mailbox without knowing it.

Fu Yunzhi: This is too much trouble for you, you might as well announce it to the public, so you can use public opinion to make Cheng Jing give up.