Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 538: Colluded together

When Lin Yuanzhou heard it, he was suddenly two big.

How come this has caused a divorce!

He quickly grabbed his mother and said in a low voice, "Mom, if you continue to make trouble, it may not end! You leave with me first, calm down, okay!"


"Mom, do you still recognize my son!" Lin Yuanzhou saw that his mother had lost control of his emotions and had to say something hard.

I don’t know, who made the mother, who has always been rational, lose control of her emotions!

Looking at the anger in his son's eyes, Wang Jie suddenly calmed down.

She gritted her teeth, looked at other people resentfully, then turned around and walked outside.

Lin Yuanzhou suppressed the gloom in his eyes, then turned his head, and said apologetically, "Dad, you also calm down. You know that mom has been under a lot of pressure during this period, so she is also a bit irritable. You have not always let her What?"

"Marriage, if one person is allowed to be modest to the other forever, then it is destined to not go far." Lin Zijian was a little tired, he said, "Go out and chase your mother first, and accompany her."

Lin Yuanzhou wanted to say something, but seeing his father's eyes, he sighed from the bottom of his heart, then bid farewell to Lin Zikang, and then turned and ran out to chase Wang Jie.

Xiaofeng leaned pitifully next to Lin Rui, raised her head, and asked, "Sister, do I not have to leave home?"

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows.

Lin Zikang next to him immediately told Xu Man's request.

He said, "She wants to take Xiao Feng away, but Xiao Feng doesn't want to leave. Although Xiao Feng is a child, he is also an individual, not someone's vassal. He has the right to choose to stay. But Xu Man said Xiao Feng must take it away, otherwise, Cheng Jing will not agree."

"What about a lawsuit?" Lin Zijian calmed down and said, "If you go through the legal process, evaluate the parental support ability, and the children's personal wishes, then Xiao Feng can definitely stay in the Lin family."

Lin Zikang sank her eyebrows, "Xu Man said, if the lawsuit comes, then she will directly produce a DNA certificate to prove that this child is not mine!"

Although many people knew about this matter, if it went to court, it would be even more ugly.

Also, now the Lin Group’s stock has fallen particularly sharply.

Lin Zijian was very guilty.

The younger brother is now in the most difficult and most annoying time, but his wife is making trouble.

Blame him.

If it weren't for him to be too cowardly, and always just paint, he wouldn't let Wang Jie's temper grow bigger and bigger, nor would she let her ambition grow so big!

She really dare to say.

Everything in the Lin family clearly belongs to his younger brother.

Things suddenly entered a dilemma, Lin Rui finally understood that Cheng Jing may no longer love Xu Man, but he has never been married and has no children.

Xiaofeng is his only son.

But the Cheng family has not been prosperous, otherwise, the Cheng family's head will not take his nephew Cheng Jing back.

Lin Rui's eyes flashed.

She suddenly thought of something!

Lin Rui said directly, "I remember that my eldest aunt said that the girlfriend of Brother Hall was named Cheng!"

As soon as the daughter reminded him, Lin Zikang immediately understood why Wang Jie suddenly came to attack today.

It turned out that I don't know when, they have colluded together!

Lin Zijian's face became even more ugly after realizing it.

He fell on the sofa in pain and covered his head.

"Wang Jie, what is this going to do!"