Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 530: only one

Therefore, even if they were separated for many years, Ah Xing was still in the crowd and found her all at once!

Lin Rui remembered what Axing said. The reason he was an actor was because he stood in the brightest and most conspicuous place, and the person who had been searching would see him.

"Fool!" Lin Rui sniffed and touched the corner of his eyes.

The Qibao in the space, nestled on a small bamboo chair, showed a smile like an aunt... It is not far from the day when Ah Xing can regain his memory, he can transform, and his master becomes stronger!

The three of them will come back together after all!

It may be that Lin Rui was silent for a long time, and another message from Yunze was sent over.

Yunze: Xiao Rui, are you sleepy? If you are sleepy, go to bed first.

Yunze: You have to hang Wia for filming tomorrow.

Lin Rui: I didn't. I was a little thirsty just now, so I poured a glass of water to drink.

Lin Rui: How many times have I told you that I'm not afraid to hang Wia.

Yunze: But I just worry about you.

After this Yunze was sent out, he immediately felt that it was wrong, and it was revoked in an instant.

His heart jumped.

Lin Rui: Why withdraw? I saw.


Yunze waited anxiously for a long time without waiting for other words, and finally a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The little girl is too young to understand.

But it's okay, he has patience, waiting patiently for her to grow up, waiting for her...understand.

Lin Rui thought for a while, although Ah Xing still has amnesia, he can't talk about other things.

But Lin Rui wanted to continue to be close to Ahang.

This is also to plan for Ah Xing to release the seal in the future.

At this time, Xiao Qibao came up with an idea and said, "Master, just tell Ah Xing that you two should have known each other in your previous life. Otherwise, why Ah Xinghui always dreamed of you. Even if you were struck by lightning, you dreamed of this. It proves that the bond between the two of you is very deep. In fact, it is reasonable to say that, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Is that all right?"

"Of course it works! You rashly said that you are his master, it is certainly not easy to explain. But you said that you knew him in your previous life, and you dreamed of him, that would be perfect. By the way, you can say some fragments, such as back then Ah Xing helped you steal peach blossoms to make wine. It is written in the novel, and he will definitely believe it!"

Lin Rui's mouth twitched.

How many books did this kid read?

But is this really okay?

Lin Rui: Aze, do you believe that people have past lives? I actually dreamed of you. I thought, would we know each other in a previous life?

Yunze held the phone and looked at the line of words, silently, as if unspeakable emotions surged in his chest.

Past life...

The corner of his mouth was raised slightly, and his smile was suppressed at the beginning, then slowly bloomed, and the last shot was out of control.

Destined in the dark, the figure that dreams back at midnight.

There is a warm sun in Yunze's heart. He holds the phone and whispers softly.

People look for him thousands of Baidu. Suddenly looking back, the person was there, dimly lit.

Yunze: I believe it.

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows.

Do you believe it?

Lin Rui: Do you really believe it? Could it be... Many people have said this to you?

Yunze: No.

Yunze: You are the first.

Yunze looked at the phone, his eyes tender and lingering.

You are also the only one.

Lin Rui hadn't practiced for the first time, and talked with Yunze for a long time. In fact, it didn't matter what to talk about.

Just want to talk to him.

Later, after Yunze fell asleep, Lin Rui stood up and went to the bathroom next to him to wash his face with cold water.

She said to Qibao in the space, "I feel a little strange."