Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 528: Ink and white

Mo Ran said to Bai Jinchuan earnestly, "Old Bai, you will surely succeed in building the foundation! Because, I won't take care of you with a smile, he is your grandson, and you have to go all the way out!"

"That's right, old man, you haven't seen me get married and have children, you haven't seen your great-grandson yet! So, you must build a foundation successfully!" Bai Yixiao said immediately beside.

Bai Jinchuan feels complicated.

Finally, he nodded solemnly.

After Bai Jinchuan left, Bai Yixiao was just like the eggplant that Shuang beat, and slumped there.

He said eagerly, "What to do, what if something happens to the old man?"

Mo Ran was silent for a while, then took out his phone and sent a WeChat message.

Bai Yixiao looked over and saw that Mo Ran was sent to Lin Rui on WeChat.

He immediately brightened his eyes and patted Moran's shoulder vigorously, "I said yes, black soil, you are so smart! Lin Ruixiu is very high, and she is very smart, let her help the old man protect the law when that time comes! Hurry up! , Pull me in, I also want to tell her!"


A white smile is very allure: Uncle Lin! Call Master Lin! Hundred thousand hot!

With a smile for nothing, I was all overwhelmed: Uncle Lin, my old man wants to build a foundation, you are the best, can you help me protect him!

A white smile is very allure: I beg you! You can let me do anything!

All three of them were in the same group. Mo Ran twitched his eyebrows when he saw Bai Yi's smile becoming more ridiculous.

Mo Ran: Lin Rui, can you help this?

Lin Rui practiced for a while before seeing this message.

She thought about it, and returned a message.

Lin Rui: When will Bai Jinchuan build the foundation?

A white smile is very allure: tomorrow night! Are you in Jincheng now? I will buy you a plane ticket immediately!

Lin Rui: I am in the imperial city, and there will be things tomorrow, so I can't leave.

Bai Yi smiled while holding the phone, suddenly feeling down.

Here Lin Rui sent another message.

Lin Rui: Don't worry, Baijinchuan will definitely succeed in building the foundation.

Mo Ran: ...Uncle Lin, you don't know the situation. My Master and Mr. Bai have attacked the foundation several times. After all, no one has ever succeeded in building a foundation, so the breakthrough in building a foundation is dangerous.

Lin Rui: Who told you that no one has ever succeeded in building a foundation?

Ink dyed for a moment.

The Bai Yi smiled next to him immediately patted his head and shouted, "Fuck! I forgot, Lin Rui has successfully built the foundation! And it is precisely because of her success that my old man wants to build the foundation. of!"

Mo Ran's eyes were shocked.

After Bai Jinchuan learned about this, he just told Meng Yuanxi and Wang Ziyang.

In other words, at this time, Mo Ran still didn't know about this.

How could Bai Yixiao forget such an important matter?

Mo Ran looked at the fool a little speechlessly, and then immediately dialed Lin Rui.

As soon as the phone was connected, Mo Ran asked in a mixed mood, "Uncle Lin... you really succeeded in building the foundation?"

"Well, and when I was building the foundation, I had all my insights, so I am very sure that there is definitely no problem with Baijinchuan building the foundation, so don't worry."

On the phone, the girl's clear and nice but also very firm words came.

Mo Ran believed her words instantly.

After hanging up the phone, Rao Mo Ran, who had been very calm, was also a little skeptical of life.

He looked at Bai with a smile and said, "Lin Rui really succeeded in building the foundation! She actually succeeded in building the foundation!"

Bai Yixiao has slowed down. He looked at Mo Ran with a shocked look as if he was dreaming, and immediately leaned over, taking a bite at Mo Ran's shoulder.