Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 514: Flustered

"Rui Rui? Haven't gotten up yet?"

Lin Zikang looked at the time. It was almost nine o'clock. Rui Rui had the habit of getting up early to exercise. It was impossible for him to be asleep at this time.

He was a little anxious, knocking on the door while calling his daughter Lin Rui.

As a result, no one answered the phone!

Lin Zikang panicked completely, he immediately knocked on the checkered room next door, and Fang looked at Lin Zikang dumbfounded.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

"Have you seen Rui Rui?"

"Will the eldest go out for a morning run?"

Lin Zikang frowned and said, "Although Rui Rui has the habit of running in the morning, it shouldn't be this time."

In the end, he was still worried and asked Fang to go to the front desk to ask for the key to the room.

Fang Ge was also worried about Lin Rui's accident, so he dared not delay for a moment, just passing by with a group of logistics personnel.

The group of logistics personnel is chatting.

"Last night's Thunder was so loud, it was too scary."

"I didn't even hear it."

"Oh my God, you sleep so hard? That thunder, it feels like it hits my head!"

"Hahaha, did you cross the catastrophe, still hacking on your head?"

"What is Cross Tribulation..."

The conversation faded away, and Fang Ge had found the room manager, who followed him to the door of Lin Rui's room.

Because the guest rooms are all opened by Lin Zikang, the room manager took out the spare key for the room.

After opening the door, the room was quietly, even the quilts were neatly folded.

Lin Zikang looked around in a daze. He found all corners, but the hotel room was so big, there wouldn't be anyone hiding!

"Could it be that Rui Rui really went out for a morning run?" Lin Zikang murmured.

But this imperial city is unfamiliar, where would Rui Rui go for a run?

Why don't you come back after running for so long!

Checkered here looked around carefully, and then under a book on the bedside table, he found Lin Rui's mobile phone.

His face suddenly became very ugly.

"Mr. Lin, if the eldest lady goes out for a morning jog, she wouldn't be without her mobile phone?"


Lin Zikang's heart jumped suddenly, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Could it be that something happened to Rui Rui?" He suddenly panicked!

The last time Lin Zikang felt this way was when Rui Rui had an accident last summer.

Fang Ge said immediately, "Mr. Lin, don't worry, you are here waiting for Missy. I know some friends in Emperor City. I will contact them and let everyone help find Missy!"

"Yes, I know some people, too," Lin Zikang quickly calmed himself down. After all, he can't panic. If he panics and messes, what can Rui Rui do!

Thinking that Rui Rui might be in danger now, Lin Zikang felt that his blood was going to flow back!

He turned his head and said to the room manager who was also a little ugly, "My daughter is missing, I'm going to check it out!"

"Guest, this does not meet the requirements." The room manager said embarrassedly.

Lin Zikang sneered, "Then what meets the requirements? I suspect now that my daughter was kidnapped. If you don't let me watch the surveillance, does the gangster collude with your hotel?!"

I have to say that this pot is a bit big.

The room manager also knew that the other party was a ruthless person, so she didn't dare to delay, so she immediately contacted the superior.

And the square who went out here dialed Yunze's phone without hesitation.

He has no time to send WeChat!

Yunze basically didn't sleep in the middle of the night, so early in the morning, his eyes were full of blue shadows.

But when he saw that the caller ID on the phone was a square, Yunze's brows darkened.