Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 511: This thunder is a bit fierce

Lin Rui knew what he meant, and said with a smile, "Dad, if you are free tomorrow, I will have an appointment with Sister Ouyang at noon tomorrow, and an appointment with Director Zhang in the evening. You will come with me to have a look. , Help me check it out."

"Okay, I have nothing to do." Lin Zikang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

The little Qibao in the space sighed with emotion. According to Lin Zikang's posture of petting her daughter, if the master finds a Taoist companion in the future, then her future Taoist companion will be a bit hard.

But fortunately, his master doesn't seem to have any plans to find a Taoist companion...

When the day was over, Lin Rui returned to her room, took a shower, and then looked out the window in silence.

"Why haven't it thundered yet?"

"But the weather forecast reports that there will be thunder and rain today," Qibao looked at his phone questioningly, and then said, "The current weather forecast is still thunderstorms. Will it rain in the middle of the night?"

"Also a possibility."

Lin Rui usually rests when he is practicing, so if thunder strikes again in the middle of the night, it will not affect anything.

And it's okay to break through at night, the enchantment is laid around, even Lin Zikang who lives next door will not notice.

By the middle of the night, the thunder and lightning finally arrived as scheduled.

Lin Rui also laid the barrier in advance, and took out the gem that Zhu Jidan and Ah Xing gave.

Qibao said, "Master, the lightning is too strong now. If you build a foundation in the room, will it damage this room?"

In that case, it would be a little troublesome.

Lin Ruinao made up, if Lin Zikang found her in this room, the black look in her room, suddenly the corners of her mouth twitched.

It seems... very difficult to explain.

Lin Rui decided immediately, "I remember that there is a suite on the roof of this hotel, I will go to the roof."

It was easy for Lin Rui to sneak into an empty room at night.

Of course, Lin Rui confirmed in advance that that room is really empty, so don't hurt anyone.

Lin Rui had good luck. The presidential suite on the top floor was indeed empty. After Lin Rui slipped in quietly, he laid the barrier again.

At exactly this time, a huge thunder sound seemed to roll over Lin Rui's head, with a bang, and the next moment, the entire building's electricity stopped!

Lin Rui, who was plunged into the darkness, was already surrounded by blazing thunder and lightning!

Lin Rui sat cross-legged, her face unchanged.

The Zhu Jidan floating in front of her was rolling quickly in mid-air, Lin Rui opened his mouth...

The thunder was so loud this time, Wang Ziyang, who was also in the imperial city, woke up from his sleep at this time.

He looked out the window a little confused, the lightning that almost illuminated the night.

And the thunder that almost deaf ears...

Wang Ziyang took out the phone, clicked on a group, and sent a message decisively.

Wang Ziyang: Do you think Lin Rui is building the foundation?

About three minutes after this message was sent, someone replied.

Meng Yuanxi: Why do you say that?

Wang Ziyang: There is a thunderstorm tonight. I think it is suitable for Lin Rui to build a foundation.

Wang Ziyang: However, I'm not sure if she is in the Imperial City.

Wang Ziyang: Did Lao Bai go to bed? He said before that he should protect Lin Rui.

Meng Yuanxi: I don't know either.

Meng Yuanxi: Ziyang, do you think Lin Rui will succeed in building the foundation?

Wang Ziyang: I don't know, but I hope she can build a foundation successfully!