Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 507: Lin Zikang Back Pot

He looked at Lin Rui and suddenly said, "Lin Rui, since you have signed a contract, there will be an external official website number that needs to be operated in the future. If you need it, I can do it part-time for you. As for salary, that’s easy to say , Just give me a basic labor fee."

Although Fu Yunzhi is an amateur, he is a well-known entertainment celebrity on Weibo.

What he said was poisonous, spicy, and sure-hearted.

So on Weibo, many fans have also gathered.

If it hadn't had such a big influence, the Kung Fu Youth column group would not have found him.

If he manages Weibo for Lin Rui and is responsible for the public relations of this part of the Internet...

It's as good as a tiger!

Even Qi Junyu envy Lin Rui in his heart...

Lin Rui blinked and said, "It's okay, but I have to tell Brother Luo about this matter before I can finalize it."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your letter." Fu Yunzhi was not unhappy, after all, Lin Rui could mention this matter, but he couldn't make a 100% decision.

He wants to help Lin Rui do things, on the one hand, he really appreciates Lin Rui, on the other hand, he also has his own purpose.

Just for this purpose, it won't hurt Lin Rui.

What he values ​​is the background behind Lin Rui and the promising future.

As for Xue Yumeng's matter, since Fu Yunzhi mentioned it, Ye Chuan and Qi Junyu both planned to discuss it with their agent when they returned.

Everyone is not just a newcomer in the entertainment industry. There are some things, and they all know the rules.

If Xue Yumeng really dares to do anything, then she is probably ready to bear all the consequences!

After all, no one is a vegetarian.

A few people chatted for a while, Ye Chuan looked at Lin Rui curiously, "Brother Rui, why are you always looking at your phone?"

"Oh, it's okay. My dad asked me when to go back. He was a little worried about me." Lin Rui flung the pot to Lin Zikang lightly.

"Oh, your father is so kind to you."

At this moment, Lin Rui's mobile phone swiped in another message.

After she saw it, the corners of her mouth raised and pressed down again.

Taking a sip of water from the water glass, Lin Rui said, "I'm going to the bathroom, you guys talk first."

When Ye Chuan heard this, he said suddenly, "Hey, Brother Rui, wait, I want to go too!"

Lin Rui had already pushed the door halfway open. She paused slightly, her eyes flashed, and then said, "Little Ye Zi, you better wait a while, I seem to see a man with a DSLR around his neck just walking past."

Ye Chuan suddenly became nervous, "Ah, really? Then let me wait, Rui Ge, you go first and help me take a look."

Although Lin Rui signed a contract with a film and television company, she is now an amateur.

Naturally not afraid of paparazzi or something.

Lin Rui nodded solemnly, then pushed the door to leave.

After leaving the private room door, Lin Rui walked forward quickly and walked to a corner. His figure flashed and disappeared.

A minute later, Lin Rui appeared in another private room.

Yunze, who had just poured a cup of hot tea, raised his head and looked at the little girl with lingering fears. The corner of his eyes smiled and asked, "Xiao Rui, what's wrong?"

"Ye Chuan wanted to go to the bathroom with me just now. Fortunately, I was fooled into staying." Lin Rui had eaten some food just now, and now he is not hungry.

She was anxious, and immediately took out another bottle of medicinal wine containing Bu Yuan Dan from her pocket, as well as a small red pocket with the newly painted spirit gathering talisman sealed in it.

Lin Rui handed these to Yunze, "I made this specially for you. The medicinal wine can be sipped in the evening. This talisman was specially asked for you at the temple not long ago. It was a long time ago. , No effect, just throw it away."

Looking at the little girl's earnest eyes, Yunze felt warm in his heart.

The little girl always thought of him so much.