Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 505: Beware of Xue Yumeng

Fu Yunzhi looked at Lin Rui with complicated eyes and said, "Lin Rui has signed with Yun's Entertainment."

Here Ye Chuan has grabbed Lin Rui's hand and asked excitedly, "Really? Rui Ge, have you really signed a contract with Yunshi Entertainment? Who is your agent?"

"Luohua City."

Ye Chuan was shocked and wanted to be rough twice, but the little girl abruptly held back.

Instead, Qi Junyu sat down next to Fu Yunzhi and suddenly realized, "No wonder you rejected my uncle's olive branch before, but objectively speaking, Yun's entertainment resources are indeed more."

Fu Yunzhi smiled next to him, "Qi Junyu, you are a typical elbow abduction, Fenghua Pictures, didn't your uncle and your mother partnered with you? You are half the owner?"

"I'll just talk about things," Qi Junyu said coolly, and then he looked at Lin Rui with a bit of incomprehension, "Luo Huacheng is your agent? You know, he is actually Yunze's exclusive agent!"

Qi Junyu admits that Lin Rui is good enough, once he makes his debut, he will definitely be popular.

But a newcomer with great potential can't be compared to the already red and purple cloud with an extremely strong background!

Lin Rui shook his head, "I don't know too much, but the contract has already been signed."

Fu Yunzhi thought for a while and said, "It was reported on the Internet half a year ago that Yunze may be transforming. I guess it may be that Yunze is about to transform, so Luohuacheng just started looking for new people to bring, just in time for Yun's investment. Kungfu boy, then he discovered Lin Rui."

Ye Chuan chucked his chin and guessed, "But you should wait for the variety show to be broadcast before considering the value of amateurs. I admit that Rui Ge is very good, but Luo Huacheng is not following the normal process."

Lin Rui would naturally not tell the relationship between Ahang.

She also clearly understood that Luo Huacheng treated her so favorably and so well because of Ah Xing.

Lin Rui glanced at the cool Qi Junyu next to her. Her eyes lit up and said, "It may be because of Mr. Qi Yuqi's olive branch that Luo Ge was worried about what happened, so he signed the contract with me in advance."

Qi Junyu:...

He touched the tip of his nose, suddenly feeling quite complicated.

Several people are learning that although Lin Rui has signed a contract now, but now he is still focusing on studies, there is no more to say anything else.

After all, a few people were shooting the variety show together, and the relationship was good. The variety show was about to be broadcasted, and the topic of a few people turned to the upcoming first episode of Kung Fu Youth.

Here, Lin Rui looked down at the phone from time to time. She was thinking, when will Ah Hang come?

At this moment, Fu Yunzhi suddenly said, "By the way, did anyone offend Xue Yumeng when you were shooting?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked.

She remembered the unpleasantness that had happened in the place where she was staying before, and the little girl's face changed slightly.

Ye Chuan looked at Lin Rui subconsciously.

Lin Rui was calm, still looking down at the phone, showing no interest.

Here Fu Yunzhi continued, “When shooting variety shows, I feel she behaved weird. When the time comes when the variety shows are broadcast, you'd better pay attention to the information on the Internet. After all, Xue Yumeng’s team is best at hype. Up."

He is okay, after all, an amateur.

Qi Junyu smiled coldly, "If she dares to hype me..."