Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 503: Be happy single dogs together

Going on, the daughter should be angry!

In the end, he nodded a little depressed.

When he turned around, Lin Zikang said fiercely to Ge, "Fang Ge, you must take good care of Rui Rui. If she has something to do, I will ask you for it!"

Grid nodded expressionlessly, and then thought in his heart that the speed of a man's face change is no slower than that of a woman.

In this way, Lin Rui took the grid and set off in half an hour, and then arrived at the private restaurant before the agreed time.

Lin Rui naturally wouldn't let Fang ge sit in the car and wait. She said to Fang Ge, "You didn't have dinner either. Order a few dishes in the lobby outside and wait for me while you eat. I'll come out and pay you."

The price of this private kitchen is not low even if it is eaten in the lobby, but Lin Rui just signed the contract and received part of the labor fee for participating in the variety show.

She is now richer than before.

After Fang Ge listened, he was immediately moved, and the eyes of the burly man were filled with water.

"Boss...oh no, Miss, you are so kind to your subordinates!"

Grid almost blurted out a wife boss, but fortunately he shut up in time.

In fact, if Lin Rui asked him to eat a hamburger and sit in the car outside and wait all night, he would have nothing to say.

Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu is the person the boss looks after, really kind, so beautiful!

Lin Rui was a bit speechless when he saw Fang's gratitude.

How long has this person been hungry?

Or was he abused by Ahang before?

But Lin Rui changed his mind to think, no, absolutely not, how could a good person like Axing abuse his subordinates.

It just so happened that Ye Chuan called at this time, she had already arrived in the private room, and asked if Lin Rui had arrived.

Lin Rui temporarily separated from Fang and went to the private room.

As soon as she entered the private room, Lin Rui felt someone rushing towards her. She reflexively stepped aside, and then looked at the empty Ye Chuan, and almost hit the door because of inertia.

Fortunately, there is still a certain distance from the door.

He staggered twice, but didn't fall down anyhow.

Ye Chuan grumbled and said, "Brother Rui, why are you so ruthless and unintentional, you haven't seen each other for so long, and you don't even give people a warm hug?"

Lin Rui smiled awkwardly and politely, "Sorry, I am not used to having too close contact with others."

"Ah, you have a boyfriend after that, what should you do?" Ye Chuan blinked his eyes curiously.

At exactly this time, Fu Yunzhi opened the door and walked in.

He is an amateur. Although he is very popular on Weibo, it is the second dimension.

Therefore, he is much more convenient and free to travel than Qi Junyu and Ye Chuan, and there is no need to worry about the paparazzi.

He smiled and asked, "Who has a boyfriend? Don't you have to say everything, do you want to be happy single dogs together?"

"Who has made an appointment to be a single dog with you," Ye Chuan hummed twice, then came over immediately and pulled Lin Rui to sit down.

Fu Yunzhi was not angry either, he looked at Lin Rui curiously, "Lin Rui, are you finished with the things you have come to the Imperial City? Will you be here for a few days?"

"I plan to leave tomorrow."

"That's a shame. You should have fun here. There are many attractions here, all of which are good."

Lin Rui also sighed. After she woke up, she came to the Imperial City for the first time. Oh, well, that time was unsuccessful, and was struck by lightning, and turned back to Jincheng.

This is the first time she has come to the Imperial City since she woke up.

Lin Rui smiled and said, "Wait for another chance in the future."