Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 50: Why do you blame her

Lin Xiao saw her embarrassed appearance and her mother lying on the ground.

Combined with those few words that Lin Rui said just now...

She suddenly cried!

There is no need for Lin Rui to worry about the next thing.

Lin Zikang asked the bodyguards to drag the two fake Taoists away, and asked Uncle Zhong to take someone to interrogate them.

Naturally, those who dare to make trouble in his Lin's house, no matter what, can't run away after a beating.

And there is more.

Lin Xiao cried and almost collapsed. Here, Lin Zikang also asked the servant to rush her back to the room and find a family doctor to check her body.

After all, this is a shame and it is not convenient to go to the hospital for the time being.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao's body did not suffer any injuries, except for a few bruises.

But in the end it was a teenage girl, this incident must have left indelible scars in her mind...

As for Xu Man.

After sending someone back to the bedroom, Lin Zikang ignored her again.

At the thought of Rui Rui almost becoming more embarrassed than Lin Xiao now, Lin Zikang was furious and fearful.

He looked at Xu Man who was lying on the bed gloomily, and stood silent for a while before leaving.

Suddenly, Xu Man, who was pretending to be faint, dare not wake up.


Lin Rui looked at his smoky house and shook his head. It seemed that he had to clean up again.

Fortunately, her room has to be cleaned up.

Lin Rui squatted down calmly, picked up a few test papers, and stepped on a bell.

Oh, it really is the bell seen at the auction.

Now that Lin Rui is safe and sound, Xiao Qibao is also relieved.

He can feel the world through Lin Rui's five senses.

Qibao asked curiously, "Ah, I saw this **** magic weapon again."

"Well, I just don't know if these two fake Taoists are related to the man who bought the bell, or does Xu Man himself know that person?"

Also, the original owner's bizarre car accident.

Lin Rui sorted out his own things, then found another guest room and went in to do blank math test papers with peace of mind.

And the trouble was so big that Mrs. Lin couldn't stand it after all. After sleeping with her grandson, she came out.

"Akang, haven't you been on a business trip? What are you making about this big night?" The old lady frowned.

Lin Zikang looked at his mother and was silent for a few seconds.

He still asked expectantly, "Mom, you don't know about Xu Man's ghost hunting, do you?"

Old Mrs. Lin was stunned, and then said, "I know, she said that the house was a bit dirty recently, and she happened to know a few people who would catch ghosts and pray for blessings, so she said that today is a good day."

"Oh, good day, it happens to be a day when I'm not at home."

When Lin Zikang was not angry, he looked very elegant, but once someone touched his bottom line.

Then he will be rude!

Old lady Lin was a little uncomfortable with her son's sneer.

She frowned, "Akang, you haven't said yet. Didn't you go on a business trip before? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"If I don't come back, Rui Rui will be ruined by Xu Man!"

Lin Zikang turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

He calculated the time. At this time, Xu Man should have "woke up."

Mrs. Lin was also very angry when she was suddenly hit by her son.

She followed up anxiously and said, "Akang, what's the matter with you, talking so violently, and getting angry with Xiaoman when she comes back. She has always been so kind to Rui Rui that her mother can't do it in the world. Why do you blame her for her?"

Lin Zikang was about to be angry.

Yes, he always thought that Xu Man was really good to Rui Rui, but how to explain all this in front of him?