Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 498: Can't dig holes for my cousin

"Yes." Lin Rui nodded

Lin Zikang was a little silent.

That Qi Lan was not from the Emperor City, so she was not from the Qi family before the Emperor City.

At the beginning, Qi Lan and Yuluo belonged to the same entertainment company. They were Yuluo's predecessors, two years older than Yuluo.

Now, Qi Lan has not only become a famous movie queen, but also started a film and television entertainment company with her brother...

For a while, Lin Zikang was a bit distracted, and did not continue to struggle, why the terms of the contract are so beneficial to Lin Rui.

When Luo Huacheng saw this, he immediately said a few more words and finally signed the contract.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was the first time Luo Huacheng knew that signing a newcomer would take so hard!

Lin Zikang also has no other opinions on the contract.

After all, just like the last clause in the contract, if Rui Rui gets tired of this business one day and doesn't want to continue mixing in the entertainment circle, he can get out at any time.

Even the liquidated damages do not have to be paid.

Moreover, Lin Zikang has also specially observed that every time Luo Huacheng sees Rui Rui, his eyes are clear and calm, and there is no deviance.

He could only tell himself in the end, hey, it must be because his family Rui Rui is so good!

Afterwards, the old father Lin Zikang immediately thought that such an excellent baby girl would marry a stinky boy in the future, and he suddenly felt sad.

Lin Zikang asked suddenly, "Mr. Luo, wait a minute, I have another question."

Luo Huacheng frowned.

Why are there still problems? Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin, I beg you, don't ask 100,000 why? !

Luo Huacheng took a deep breath and asked calmly, "What other questions does Mr. Lin have?"

"I remember that entertainment companies would ask artists not to fall in love for a few years. I saw the contract just now, but there was no such one."

Seeing Lin Zikang's serious expression, Luo Huacheng glanced at his cousin in the distance subconsciously.

The contract is for five years, and Lin Rui will be an adult in one and a half years.

In other words, Lin Rui can get married in more than three years!

As Yunze's cousin, how could Luo Huacheng dig such a big pit for his dear cousin!

So Luo Huacheng smiled and said, "Lin Rui is still young now, and he is a very sensible and well-behaved person, so in recent years, he will definitely not fall in love, right?"

Lin Rui didn't have the thought of finding a Taoist couple at all, so she nodded and said, "Next, I will be very busy. I will finish all high school studies within one and a half years in advance, and then I will go to specialize in acting and other things during the winter and summer vacation , Where is the time to fall in love."

After hearing his daughter's assurance, Lin Zikang was completely relieved.

Here, Luo Huacheng rushed to the next item. He put a bunch of resumes in front of Lin Rui and said, "Lin Rui, these are the assistants, makeup artists, drivers, etc. the company finds for you. You choose the ones you think are ok. They will work with you. However, due to your special circumstances, when you are in school, they will be on standby at the company most of the time and do some daily work. Including the nanny car provided by the company while you are in school At that time, I would stop at the company first."

"Okay, let me see."

"Well, that's okay, you watch first, I have to go to the cubicle over there and talk to Yunze about something."

Lin Zikang realized this, because they actually kept people's clouds out for so long.

He said immediately, "Mr. Luo, you go over quickly."

Luo Huacheng no longer delayed, nodded, and went to the next compartment.