Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 476: Today I want to quit the bodyguard series

Lin Rui was trying to squeeze tears when she saw Fang Ge was there, and she quickly said, "Yes, we can celebrate the New Year together, and there will be a lot of people. Can you help set off firecrackers then?"

"No problem!" Square immediately resurrected with full blood.

Lin Rui was a bit speechless.

The people around Ah Xing are so distinctive.

She turned around and went to the kitchen to help with cooking. Here, Fang immediately hid in the bathroom, took out her mobile phone, and mysteriously sent a message to Yunze.

Grid: Report to the boss! I have already told Miss Lin that I will not leave for the New Year, at her house!

Fang Ge: Miss Lin also said that I will be responsible for setting off firecrackers then! ^_^.

Yunze was sitting in the nanny car, rushing to Yun's house.

The old man has made seventy-nine calls in a row, and Yunze's phone is still hot.

The square text message arrived at this time.

Yunze squinted his eyes and took a look.

Suddenly I feel a little depressed.

What's so... Why is he suddenly a little envious of Grid?

However, he rubbed his eyebrows slightly, Yunze suppressed the jealousy in his heart, and he struck a row of words.

Yunze: Well, you can take more pictures and send them to me.

Square: No problem! I will make more videos by then! Boss, let me take pictures of Miss Lin’s dishes for you then!


(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ Throw this bodyguard!

Yunze unexpectedly had an idea in his mind that he wanted to fly over to spend the New Year with the little girl.

Of course, this kind of thought is just thinking in the bottom of my heart. After all, even if he can go, the little girl can accept it. It is estimated that the little girl's family will be terrified.

Yunze sighed and suddenly felt that he was not as good as a bodyguard.

Lin Rui had already entered the kitchen. Seeing that Wang Jie's expression was not so good, Mrs. Lin was standing beside her with a picky face.

Mrs. Lin said, "Xiao Jie, your cooking is not good. Look, this is a bit muddy."

Wang Jie was a little depressed, but she said along with the old lady, “I’m cooking, where is someone’s restaurant good. Isn’t this Chinese New Year? Just eat some home-cooked dishes in our family, and I don’t care about those dishes. The color, smell and taste are all right."

"Zikang ordered some in the hotel, and for others, let's do a little better," Mrs. Lin's mouth has already made Lin Rui's help.

After all, in the eyes of Mrs. Lin, Rui Rui's dishes are delicious!

Last year Wang Jie did the same, and the old lady didn't pick anything.

Wang Jie cursed inwardly, but still had a smile on her face.

At this moment, the old lady Lin saw Lin Rui, her eyes lit up.

She said, "Rui Rui, there are two more dishes for you to cook."


Lin Rui nodded.

After seeing this scene, Wang Jie was immediately unhappy.

Why in the heart of the old lady, feeling that the dishes she cooks are not as good as this girl's cooking?

Actually, it's no wonder that Wang Jie despise Lin Rui so much, after all, she has never eaten Lin Rui's dishes.

But the old lady has eaten it.

And I'm already obsessed with it. If you don't eat it for a few days, you will be uncomfortable!

In fact, Mrs. Lin’s attitude towards Lin Rui has changed, mainly because of Lin Zikang. In fact, Lin Rui’s dishes are so delicious...

So Mrs. Lin said seriously to Wang Jie, "Xiao Jie, you can't look down on Rui Rui, she cooks very delicious dishes! The chefs of the five-star hotels outside can't match her.

Wang Jie smiled perfunctorily on the surface, "Really, I have a good taste today."

But in my heart, this old lady, the older she is, the more she will brag!