Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 471: Xu Man's ex-husband

After finishing his mood, Lin Zikang also walked out of the private room.

But when passing by the hotel lobby, I saw a man in a beige suit.

The man even nodded at him.

Lin Zikang frowned slightly, nodded politely, then turned and left.

I don't know why, that man, Lin Zikang feels a bit familiar.

At the same time, Lin Rui, who was at home, received a call from Yunze.

"Xiao Rui, the person you asked me to check for you was found." Yunze stood in front of the huge French window, looking at the silver clothes outside the window.

His voice is very gentle.

In other words, when facing Lin Rui, he was always so gentle and so patient.

He said, “The man’s original name was Chen Jing, and his English name was Haisen. He had a short marriage with Xu Man before and gave birth to his daughter Lin Xiao. Because Chen Jing smokes and drinks, except for a good face. He didn't have any advantages, and he didn't go out to work. Xu Man got tired of him, and later gave him a lot of money, and the two agreed to divorce."

Lin Rui was wearing headphones while chatting with Yunze while doing math problems.

She asked, "What about this Chen Jing now?"

"Now Chen Jing has become Cheng Jing. Cheng Lijun, the eldest lady of the Cheng family of the Emperor City, eloped with a poor boy. After giving birth to Cheng Jing, the poor boy slowly exposed his nature. Not only good wine, but also gambling, and finally lost. Everything in the house was gone. When Cheng Lijun was pregnant with his second child, the man was still playing mahjong at the mahjong table. Later, Cheng Lijun died in childbirth. However, Chen Jing’s dad was also debt-collected by a loan shark. I fell off the bridge and drowned."

Yunze paused slightly, and after letting Lin Rui digest the information thoughtfully, he continued, "Now Cheng Li is the head of the Cheng family in the Imperial City. He has retrieved his nephew Cheng Jing and changed it to him. Cheng's surname. Cheng Li has no sons himself, and all his sons-in-laws have joined the Cheng family.

Lin Ruili finished two questions, sipped, and said, "Does the Cheng family belong to the upper-class noble family in the Imperial City?"

"Well, ranked fifth."

"Oh," Lin Rui said indifferently while holding a pen, writing and drawing on the test paper, "If Lin Xiao knew that she had such a father, then she wouldn't be happy to die."

Yun Ze frowned and said, "Xiao Rui, our Yun family ranks first."

Lin Rui was stunned, and didn't understand why Yunze said so suddenly. After a few seconds of pause, she crowed.

Lin Rui finished another question, bit the pen, and she asked, "According to the truth, Xu Man abandoned Cheng Jing at the beginning. Now Cheng Jing is considered to be a yellow man, so naturally he will not come to Xu Man. And according to this person. If he doesn’t have his personality, he will get revenge on Xu Man."

"Xiao Rui, if you need to investigate anything, you just tell me directly. No matter which family or person in the Imperial City."

"I know, thank you Aze."

After the phone was hung up, Yunze was still standing in front of the French window, and he reached out and touched the jade hanging around his neck.

The feeling of being needed by the little girl is not bad.

Here, Lin Rui bit his pen and thought about it carefully.

"If Xu Man knows that her ex-husband is now in full swing, will she immediately leave the Lin family and rush to her ex-husband?"

Qibao was gnawing on a corn, and said vaguely, "Definitely!"

At this moment, the door of Lin Rui's room was knocked.

Lin Rui stood up to open the door, and found that Mrs. Lin turned out to be at the door.

The old lady Lin mysteriously entered Lin Rui's room, closed the door, and looked around, then whispered, "Rui Rui, do you know that Xu Man was taken away by the police!"