Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 469: Your greed

It's useless for Sapo to cry in front of Lin Rui.

Of course Lin Feng couldn't get those shoes in the end.

Lin Rui snorted coldly, she wouldn't give it to others what Ahang gave her.

Lin Rui thought for a while, then put the pair of shoes with the shoebox and stuffed them into the space of Qibao.

At the same time, Lin Zikang and Xu Man were sitting in a private room, facing each other, and the atmosphere in the private room was a bit depressing.

Xu Man looked at Lin Zikang on the opposite side anxiously.

When he received his call in the morning, Xu Man was happy, thinking that Lin Zikang changed his mind and stopped insisting on divorce.

But she did not expect that Lin Zikang just revised the divorce contract and still wanted to divorce.

Xu Man looked at Lin Zikang sadly, "Brother Kang, don’t get a divorce, okay? Xiaofeng’s matter, I can explain it, after all, that night was an accident. Will Xiaofeng be raised by your side in the future, or you let me send Go, I have nothing to say! Brother Kang, people always make mistakes, and I also admit that it is my fault in Xiaofeng's affairs. Would you give me a chance and let me reform myself?"

Lin Zikang raised his head, his eyes deep.

"Xu Man, why don't you understand."

Lin Zikang threw a few documents in front of Xu Man, his voice becoming more and more indifferent.

He said, "Why did Rui Rui's car suddenly break down?"

Xu Man originally thought that the document Lin Zikang lost was the divorce agreement.

But after hearing Lin Zikang's words, she suddenly felt that all her blood became cold!

Is it true that she met Lin Rui when she left the Lin family last night?

Do not! Can't admit it!

Xu Man said sharply, "No! I don't! Lin Zikang, you can't frame me like this! I didn't do anything in Lin Rui's car! You have no evidence, it was not me who did it!"

Lin Zikang turned on the recorder, and Xu Man's voice came from the recorder.

"No, how can you know, how can you know..."

"I just want to kill you! Because even if you are a trash, Lin Zikang still spoils you! There is no bottom line to care for you! Why, are you Fang Yuluo's child? My Xiaofeng It is also his child of Lin Zikang, why doesn't he..."

Xu Man fell into a chair with a pale face.

Lin Zikang looked at her and shook his head slowly, "If you have been obediently staying abroad, I won't mention divorce. Even if you survive in name only, I'm still willing to give you the last decent point. But you have Lin Feng is back. When you come back, I just want to divorce you. In the divorce agreement that I took out before, there are my support for Lin Feng and the living expenses for you. The amount in it is enough for you. The mother and son have spent the rest of their lives! But what about you? You want to kill my Rui Rui!"

The evidence was conclusive, and Xu Man's face was pale.

Tears were streaming down her eyes, and the makeup on her face was gone.

"Brother Kang, I, I can't help it! You love Lin Rui so much, and Lin Rui is so like Fang Yuluo, she is the eternal thorn in my heart! It hurts my heart so much!" Xu Man finally collapsed completely , All the dignity and elegance, or the unpredictable scheming, all turned into a panic at this moment.

She quickly staggered towards Lin Zikang, fell to the ground, and wanted to reach out and grab the corner of Lin Zikang's clothes.

Xu Man cried and said, "Brother Kang, I was wrong, I was wrong, can you forgive me! Isn’t Rui Rui still alive? Isn’t she all right? I know I’m wrong, I will definitely do To Rui Ruibi and to my own daughter! Kang brother, forgive me, okay..."

Lin Zikang stretched out his hand and pinched Xu Man's chin.