Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 467: Is it boring to practice, or is it not fun to write questions?

Seeing this answer, Classmate Li Ertao's ears became red again.

Chase... Lin Rui.

Here Lin Rui has returned home, she was going to help the old lady Lin organize the New Year goods.

The old lady was happy today and drove her back to the room to rest.

The old lady said, "You came back from the field, and then went shopping with my old lady, but didn't have a good rest. Go back to your room and rest."

Uncle Zhong also nodded with a smile beside him.

I have to say that since Lin Zikang has spread everything out with the old lady, the old lady is slowly improving her mind.

Lin Feng is not her grandson, so naturally she will not be as loving as before.

And Lin Rui is Lin Zikang's only child, and he is getting better and more sensible, and the old lady gradually changed her attitude towards Lin Rui.

Of course, this old lady is still patriarchal.

With Lin Zikang's warning, the old lady didn't express it in front of Lin Rui.

After Lin Rui went upstairs, Mrs. Lin looked at her back and said to Uncle Zhong with emotion, "It would be great if Rui Rui was a boy."

Uncle Zhong smiled and said, "Old lady, you can't say that. Whether it's a boy or a girl, the eldest lady is very good. In this regard, she is going to follow her."

Mrs. Lin especially preferred her second son, Lin Zikang, and when she heard Uncle Zhong say this, she raised her mouth proudly.

"Of course, the tiger father has no dogs. Zikang is so good, Rui Rui will definitely not be bad in the future." The old lady Lin is now looking at this granddaughter more pleasingly.

Especially the dishes she cooks are so delicious!

The old lady suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of one thing.

She blinked and said, "Actually, it's not impossible. When Rui Rui grows up, let her hire a son-in-law!"

After the old lady finished speaking, she felt that she had a very good idea!

Then she can always eat Rui Rui's dishes!

Uncle Zhong smiled faintly, "Miss is still young, and the marriage is still far away."

"Although it's very far away, you can find it first. At that time, the other party's family conditions can be average, as long as the family members are simple and there is no bad history. The man can't be too ugly or too short. Our family Rui Rui is so beautiful and can't affect the next generation. Now, and that is, we must spoil our Rui Rui at that time, and we must not bully our Rui Rui..."

Listening to the old lady's chattering words, Uncle Zhong didn't laugh, and bowed his head to sort out the couplets.

Although Lin Rui went back to the room, after all, his consciousness had not been taken back, so all of Mrs. Lin's words fell into her ears.

Lin Rui:...

She rubbed her face.

Sure enough, it is really troublesome to find a Taoist companion.

Is it boring to practice, or is it not fun to write questions?

Okay, why must we get married?

At this moment, Lin Rui's door was knocked, her eyebrows were the same, she got up and walked to the door and opened the door.

As a result, I saw Lin Feng, who was holding the toy car, standing timidly at the door.

As if plucking up a lot of courage, he whispered, "Sister, can I come in?"

"What are you doing in here?"

"I, I have something, I want to ask you."

Lin Rui raised his right eyebrows, but turned sideways to make way.

Xiao Lin Feng walked in slowly holding the toy car.

He didn't dare to sit on Lin Rui's bed, but instead sat on the two-seater next to him, his eyes avoiding, looking around.

Lin Rui stood there holding her arms, her chin raised, "Are you here to visit my room?"

"No, no," Lin Feng took a deep breath, then looked at Lin Rui eagerly, and said, "Sister, does my mother want me?"