Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 453: Live yourself as a joke

Xu Man left the Lin family griefly, but did not take Xiao Lin Feng away.

Lin Zikang stood on the balcony, looking at the snowflakes outside the window and the woman's back.

A touch of discomfort flashed across his eyes.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Lin Zikang turned around and saw his daughter Lin Rui.

He gave a wry smile, "Rui Rui, do you think Dad is cruel?"

Lin Rui shook his head slowly, "If you don't be cruel to the other party at this time, then you will be cruel to yourself. However, you were really unclear at the beginning."

Lin Zikang lowered his head in shame.

Lin Rui can't comfort people, and Lin Zikang doesn't need to be comforted at this time.

After all, people must be responsible for the choices they make throughout their lives, right?

For example, Lin Zikang.

Such as Xu Man.

Lin Zikang sighed, "Originally, I wanted to have a good chat with Xiaoman. If she is in trouble, I would like to raise Xiaofeng."

It is better to end a wrong marriage.

But in the end, Xiao Feng is innocent.

Lin Rui shook her head slowly, "Xu Man won't let you raise Xiaofeng. And if I guessed it right, she doesn't want a divorce, right?"

Lin Zikang nodded silently.

Lin Rui narrowed his eyes, "Dad, do you know Xu Man's ex-husband? Can you give me his information?"


Lin Zikang looked at his daughter, but stopped talking.

But in the end nothing said.

Lin Rui's eyes flashed, and she still had an account for herself, and she had to settle with Xu Man.

Lin Zikang looked at the back of his daughter leaving, he sighed softly.

It turns out that marriage is not about doing business. I hope that in the future, his daughter Rui Rui will not make the mistakes he made.

Here, Lin Rui's figure has appeared on the mountain road next to the villa.

Xu Man walked slowly in the heavy snow, carrying his suitcase, his eyes red.

But the fierce light in her eyes leaked, and her heart was dark at this time.

Xu Man kicked the snowdrift next to him fiercely, and said angrily, "I won't die! I won't die!"

"A marriage that exists only in name, is it interesting to hold on to it like this?" A voice suddenly rang.

Xu Man looked back.

She originally thought that Lin Zikang would be soft-hearted and would call her back.

As a result, Xu Man did not wait for Lin Zikang, but Lin Rui.

In addition to Fang Yuluo, the young girl Lin Rui in front of her is the second person Xu Man hates!

I hate it to the point that I want to die!

It's not Lin Zikang, so Xu Man at this time doesn't even bother to act.

She sneered, "Why, did you come to see me making a joke?!"

"You made yourself a joke, don't you let others laugh?" Lin Rui stood there quietly, her eyes calm, "I came to ask you, do you know Dongfang Qingqiu?"

A panic flashed across Xu Man's originally pale face.

She immediately denied it loudly, "No, I don't know Dongfang Qingqiu!"

"Oh, Aunt Xu, you may be older and your memory is not very good. I will help you recall it." Lin Rui approached Xu Man step by step and said softly, "Car accident, traffic police, oh yes, and those two later False Taoist priest."

Lin Rui took a step forward, and Xu Man couldn't help taking a step back.

The panic in her eyes grew.

"No, no, I don't know Dongfang Qingqiu, I don't know!"

"I saw a very magical bell at the auction before, but that bell was bought by a rich second-generation. Later, the bell was brought to my house by the two false Taoists."