Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 449: Begging

Lin Zikang, who had just returned from the company, stood at the door with a cold body.

He shook the snowflakes on his face blankly.

Just as Lin Zikang learned that Xu Man had come back with Lin Feng, his face sank and he hurried back.

As a result, Lin Zikang heard Xu Man's words as soon as he entered the door.

It was Xu Man who approached him on the initiative, and although he did not explicitly tell the other party that he could no longer have children, he also told her that he could no longer give her love.

I can only give her the title of Mrs. Lin.

At that time, it was Xu Man who said that she was very pitiful and that life with her daughter was very difficult, and that she didn't care if Lin Zikang loved her, she just hoped to have a family.

She wanted to give her daughter Xiaoxiao a home, and she also wanted to give her her only daughter Rui Rui a home.

She doesn't want any love, she just wants a home!

Many factors at that time, in the end, the word family completely moved Lin Zikang.

Now it seems that what's not at home? It turns out that everything is her acting.

When Xu Man saw Lin Zikang, his face completely changed.

But her eye circles slowly turned red.

Anyway, her feelings for Lin Zikang are true!

She really loves him!

Here Lin Zikang looked gloomy, but after seeing his daughter Lin Rui came back, a soft light flashed across his gloomy face.

However, Lin Zikang felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of the embarrassing situation and was seen by his daughter.

But Lin Rui also knew that it would be better for Lin Zikang to solve the matter between Lin Zikang and Xu Man.

She thought for a while, and said to Mrs. Lin, "Grandma, let's go to your room first. I have something to tell you."

Old Mrs. Lin looked at her son, then at the very ugly Xu Man, and she stopped talking.

But Lin Rui had walked up to her and whispered, "I'll make shortbread and rib soup for you later."


The old lady Lin got up immediately, followed Lin Rui and walked upstairs.

When he returned to the room, Lin Rui said that he would go back to the room first, and call her when the shortbread is ready.

The old lady nodded and closed the door. When only herself was left in the room, the quiet old lady Lin felt a little depressed.

"Hey, what is this called?" She sighed helplessly when she thought of what happened at home.

Lin Rui went back to his room first, put the contents in the suitcase, and at the same time opened up his spiritual sense, paying attention to the situation in the living room.

Although she felt that this matter must be tied to the bell.

But Lin Rui would not worry that Xu Man's woman would be honest again, and would swear another oath or something insincerely.

She has to watch.

At this moment in the living room, Lin Zikang and Xu Man were sitting on the sofa.

Xu Man raised his head, expecting to look at Lin Zikang Ai Ai, and said aggrievedly, "Brother Kang, I..."

"Go to my study and say."

Lin Zikang gave Xu Man the last touch of face.

When the two people entered the study and closed the door, Xu Man's tears came down.

She was very aggrieved and said, "Brother Kang, I know that I have done wrong things, and I am not a competent mother. I may not have done well what I promised you back then. But... But after so many years, I I have fallen in love with you and this family. I hope you can forgive me and let us start again, okay?"

As he grew older, Xu Man clearly realized that there were fewer and fewer things he could grasp.

She has missed the most beautiful years.

Fortunately, at the end of the most beautiful years, Lin Zikang was caught.