Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 443: Collective autism

Lin Rui turned to look out of the car window.

Yes, it's snowing.

For some reason, she remembered going to the playground when she went to see Ah Xing on Christmas.

Lin Rui sniffed and clenched a fist.

It won't be long before she can go to Ah Xing's side!

At this moment, Qibao in the space burst into cheers.

"Master, the foundation pill is ready! There are two in total!"

The corners of Lin Rui's mouth raised slightly.

It's time, ready to build the foundation!

Because of Pan Jian's words, Gu Xuanwu was also stupid for a long time.

He wasn't in the mood to play games anymore, looking at the words on his mobile phone, refining Qi Dzogchen, he hadn't recovered for a long time.

Pan Jian found that this stimulus was finally not taken by him alone, but calmed down instead.

Jian'an Shenjun: This matter is very incredible, in fact, I have always been a little skeptical.

Jianan Shenjun: But Lin Rui said this by himself. It should it false?

Gu Xuanwu took a deep breath and didn't respond to Pan Jian, but directly called his master Wang Ziyang.

After Wang Ziyang learned about this, he was silent for half an hour before calling Bai Jinchuan again.

Half a day later, Wang Ziyang, Bai Jinchuan and Meng Yuanxi were in a WeChat group with three faces embarrassed and autistic.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing is really incredible and basically impossible!

You know that Lin Rui has been practicing since the beginning of resuscitation, and it hasn't been a year yet!

The result... is already the Great Perfection? ! ! ! ! !

So what have they cultivated after decades of cultivation?

Bai Jinchuan: I said with a smile that Lin Rui has been filming shows on Wolong Mountain for the past half month. There is more aura in Wolong Mountain.

Bai Jinchuan: Well, I also feel that this is too far-fetched to say -_-||.

After all, a few of them have been to places with more aura than Wolong Mountain, and they haven't seen their cultivation base go up like a rocket.

Meng Yuanxi: The three of us are here to guess. It's better to simply pull Lin Rui in and ask her directly.

Also, after Dongfang Tuo died, there were only three of them left at the Great Perfection.

If Lin Rui had really achieved this level of cultivation, he would indeed be qualified to sit on an equal footing with them.

Bai Jinchuan: I have no objection.

Wang Ziyang watched in silence for a while, then silently pulled Lin Rui in.

The three people waited eagerly for Lin Rui to speak, but Lin Rui never responded.

She didn't even look at the phone.

Because Lin Rui had just returned to Lin's house, looking at the Shura Field in front of him, the corners of his eyebrows raised.

The people in this house... are quite complete.

Xu Man, who was supposed to be abroad, returned unexpectedly.

Not only did she come back, she even brought Xiao Lin Feng back with him. At this time, Xiao Lin Feng was playing with toys there.

Maybe Xu Man was still worried about something, and Xu Man didn't bring Lin Xiao back.

Mrs. Lin's face is particularly bad.

She was sitting on the sofa, frowning so tightly that she could even catch flies.

It can be seen that the old lady's current mood is really upset and depressed.

On the other end of the sofa, the couple, Lin Zijian and Wang Jie, were sitting. Next to them, there was a gentle-looking Lin Yuanzhou.

Lin Rui and Lin Zikang are left behind.

However, at this point in time, Lin Zikang is most likely still busy at the company.

The moment the old lady Lin saw Lin Rui appearing at the door, her eyes flashed, full of expectation.

The look of eagerness seemed to regard Lin Rui as a life-saving straw.