Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 440: Unbelievable Uncut Jade

Qi Yu is very rough, but he is very careful and patient.

He said in surprise, "Junyu, your evaluation of Lin Rui is a bit high!"

Next to the actress, Qi Lan carried a plate of cut fruits and placed it on the coffee table.

She joked, "Junyu, isn't that little girl named Lin Rui very beautiful?"

Qi Junyu was stunned, his cheeks blushed when he realized what his mother was teasing.

He said silently, "Mom, don't talk nonsense, she is very young and only went to high school this year. However, her appearance can properly kill many actresses in the entertainment industry. The most important thing is her anger. The field is super powerful."

In fact, Qi Junyu's words are still conservative.

But he thought, having said this, he had already succeeded in arousing the curiosity of his mother and uncle.

Then he took out a group photo of some of their guests after the shooting, pointed to the girl in the center who looked like a queen, and said, "She is Lin Rui."

The girl wore an ancient costume with a white wiping forehead with gold stripes on her forehead. The beautiful facial features made people unable to remove her eyes.

Her eyes are piercing and her aura is strong.

In the small body, there seems to be the power to disregard everything!

Qi Yu and Qi Lan's eyes lit up at the same time!

This little girl is really an incredible jade!

The most important thing is this little girl's style.

The little girls who just debuted, some are sweet and lovely, some are glamorous and lovely, and some are stubborn.

And this little girl is...a natural queen!

Qi Yu said immediately, "Junyu, is this little girl just an amateur now?"

"Yes, she is now a freshman in high school. She is from Jincheng, and the family conditions are pretty good. She is in business."

"Hurry up, send me her details!"

An amateur can succeed in becoming a C position under the premise that there are three actors and the other two amateurs have better conditions than her!

Not to mention, this little girl was so beautiful that she hadn't applied her powder.

If you want to make a debut, it will be difficult to tolerate it!

Qi Yu couldn't care about the others here.

He immediately went to check Lin Rui's information and found the gold broker in the company to quickly draft the contract.

Here, Lin Rui turned on the phone, but received an application from a WeChat friend.

The friend application was sent from the group of immortals.

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows, thought about it, and clicked through.

She added the WeChat account of this fellow Taoist named Jianan Shenjun.

Lin Rui: Pan Jian?

Jianan Shenjun: ...Yes, -_-||

Pan Jian's hand holding the phone shook, and the sense of shame in his heart expanded infinitely.

When he was on Wolong Mountain Villa, he felt that Lin Rui was very unusual, especially a few times he even felt the sword intent that seemed like nothing.

Especially the special things she gradually revealed.

But because the shooting is more important and the schedule is full every day, more importantly, this shooting is also very important to Wolong Mountain Villa.

Therefore, Pan Jian did not take any action for the time being and did not contact Lin Rui in private.

After the guests and the directors had left, he asked his apprentice Sun Jiu to deal with other things, but he thought of the immortal cultivation group.

In it, he was considered to be a low-level cultivation base, and he was very old when he was resuscitated, so he was a little transparent inside.

Then Pan Jian took the attitude of trying it out and searched for Lin Rui's name. As a result, it was really found!