Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 438: so cute

Lin Rui wanted to say that it was not far.

Ever since I heard Xu Chengcheng in the winter camp last time that she could apply for the college entrance examination in the second year of high school, she made up her mind to prepare for the college entrance examination in the second year of high school.

For this matter, she plans to apply to Li Yingzhi after returning to school in the new year.

But don't talk to Lin Zikang for now.

Lin Zikang also knows his daughter's stubbornness, anyway, every time he disagrees with her daughter, he must be the one who compromises.

He said, "Rui Rui, since you let Uncle Zhong come back, you will come back. But you are alone over there, so be careful."

"Well, Dad, I will take good care of myself."

After hanging up, Lin Rui returned the phone to Luo Huacheng.

Her spiritual sense detected that Ye Chuan was looking for her everywhere.

Luo Huacheng also knew that it was not good for Lin Rui to disappear for too long. He said, "You go back soon. If you have anything, just come to me."

"Well, thank you Brother Luo."

Luo Huacheng:...

The corner of his mouth raised, "Why, don't you call Uncle Luo?"

Lin Rui nodded sincerely, "I just called your uncle as soon as I ran out of your phone. It was a bit unpleasant. Okay, I have to go now. Goodbye."

Seeing the little girl turning away decisively, Luo Huacheng was a little bit dumbfounded.

Such a shrewd little girl, even if she really enters the entertainment circle without Azer's escort, will definitely get mixed up.

If someone wants to bully her?

Don't talk about the door, there are no windows.

Here Lin Rui had already returned to the place of residence, and told Ye Chuan that she was walking around, little girl Ye did not think much.

The subsequent shooting went smoothly, and even completed the shooting ahead of schedule.

Not surprisingly, Lin Rui had the most shots. After all, when the guests fought at the end... Lin Rui beat Sun Jiu to the ground.

Pan Jian, the owner of Wolong Mountain Villa, touched his forehead with cold sweat.

Fortunately, he did not appear!

The next person with more shots is Ye Chuan, and then Qi Junyu.

Although Qi Junyu is usually cool and doesn't talk a lot, he has a good face and strong background, so he has many shots and others are not surprised.

But what is surprising is that even Geng Le has more shots than Xue Yumeng.

In the later filming activities, Xue Yumeng became like a transparent person, and the camera was actually not willing to talk aloud, in other words, it was almost the same as the poisonous tongue with strong lethality.

This also made the director team very dissatisfied, but Xue Yumeng was also full of grievances.

She was able to insist on finishing the filming, and she has tried her best. Who made Lin Rui and Ye Chuan run against her!

After the filming event, the guests left one after another, and the post editing is the task of the director team.

Luo Huacheng was very busy. During the filming process, he left several times, but he personally escorted Lin Rui to go home.

This was ordered by his family Aze himself!

Several guests added WeChat friends to each other, and in the end, Geng Le also specially selected a WeChat group to call my brothers and sisters.

At that time, Ye Chuan pursed his mouth and asked unwillingly, "Am I also your junior?"

Geng Le scratched his head and scratched his head. Finally, he suddenly remembered a paragraph on the Internet. He said anxiously, "As cute as you, what if it's a boy?"

Ye Chuan:...

Fu Yunzhi came to Lin Rui, his mouth raised, and said, "I look forward to your development after entering the entertainment industry."

Lin Rui smiled, "Will you hack me on Weibo then?"