Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 426: real or fake?

The cameraman's eldest brother was suddenly excited, and subconsciously pointed the camera at Lin Rui.

I saw Lin Rui calmly picked up a few moderately sized stones, and using that slingshot, swished a few stones at the forest.

The originally nervous director group:...

Miss, so you just put on such a cool pose and created such a powerful atmosphere, just for playing rocks?

In the next moment, they saw Lin Rui actually ran towards Linzi.

"The camera is chasing it! See what's going on!" The executive director suddenly shouted in a spirited voice.

Lin Rui ran over and picked up a pheasant and a hare.

She weighed it and nodded, "It's quite fat."

The pheasant and the hare still want to struggle to escape, but no matter how hard they struggle, they can't escape Lin Rui's shackles.

When the camera brother followed up, she saw the pretty little girl with a pheasant in her left hand and a hare in her right, very calm and calm.

The cameraman suddenly felt a little fantasy.

He looked around.

If he is not a member of the column group, he would definitely doubt... Is this the game thrown by someone next to him!

Soon, Lin Rui came out carrying the trophy and walked directly to the river.

Not to mention the three male guests, even Sun Jiu saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the harpoon almost poked Geng Le next to him.

Fu Yunzhi couldn't help it any more, and said directly, "Lin Rui, where did you find it? Just wait for it?"

The implication was that someone deliberately threw these in front of Lin Rui.

Or the rabbit fainted directly in front of her.

In short, I just don't believe that Lin Rui made this game himself.

No wonder he was so suspicious. He had watched some outdoor survival programs before. In fact, some staff stunned the hapless hares and threw them in front of the guests.

Coupled with the previous speculation that Lin Rui is a related user and the airborne column team, it is not to blame for Fu Yunzhi to think so.

Lin Rui said without looking up, "I did it."

"real or fake?"

Lin Rui raised his head, stepped on the struggling pheasant wings with one foot, then took out the slingshot from his pocket, and added calmly, "I hit it with a slingshot."

Sun Jiu is a bit uncomfortable here.

He walked over and saw the pheasant and hare, with no blood on them.

But their legs bend at a strange angle, causing them to lose their ability to move freely.

In other words...

Sun Jiu was shocked.

So the hare and pheasant were broken by Lin Rui with a slingshot? !

This, this, this, this... neither he nor his master Pan Jian can do it!

Fu Yunzhi had already laughed and said, "Lin Rui, you are so good at joking."

Obviously he didn't believe it.

There was just a fish caught with a harpoon... and among the three male guests, Qi Junyu, the only one who caught a fish, looked at Lin Rui with a mocking smile on his mouth.

Little girl, it's too bragging.

Did you forget that this is a recording show!

Lin Rui frowned and was a little unhappy. She chirped, and threw the other hare on the ground, and then stepped on the hare's ear with her foot... the big men nearby suddenly felt a little pain in their ears.

This little girl is a bit fierce.

Forget the pheasant, after all, it is a female pheasant, the hair is not so beautiful.

But how cute the little hare is, furry and cute.

In the end, the little girl stepped on her ear, worried that she would run away with her lame leg...

But here, Lin Rui had already picked up another stone, picked up the slingshot, and aimed at the stream in front of him.

Whoosh! The stone flew out!