Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 406: Install

At this time, Pan Jian, the owner of Wolong Villa, arrived.

As Qibao said, this Pan Jian really looks like an outsider.

Dressed in a Tang suit, in his forties, he has a clear-eyed face and is very kind when smiling, and particularly majestic when not smiling.

The guests, the director and other staff present are all respectful.

Only Lin Rui...

She said with her spiritual sense, "Qi refining the second level."

"Yes, and there are three spiritual roots of water, wood and earth. It is not easy to be able to cultivate to the second level of qi refining." Qibao tut disgusted.

Lin Rui squinted his eyes.

If it wasn't for the mobile phone that had been received by the program group, Lin Rui would like to click on the WeChat group to ask if anyone knows this person.

Pan Jian stepped out here. He glanced at everyone and said gently, "Congratulations to you all for passing the first test and becoming the outer disciple of my Wolong Villa. Can you become my inner disciple? It depends on everyone's next performance."

Lin Rui was a bit speechless.

A second-tier qi refining person, accepting a disciple, still separates the outer door from the inner door?

What's more, she only accepted one Ahang at the beginning!

With such a comparison, she suddenly felt more sympathy for the cultivators in this world!

Too shabby!

Shabby still pretend!

"Wow! I will definitely work hard to become Master Pan's inner disciple!" Geng Le said vowedly beside him.

Lin Rui's mouth twitched.

How did she forget, there is really a sincere master who has come to learn art from a teacher...

Pan Jianwei smiled, and then said to the short Gua man next to him, "Sun Jiu, you take these juniors and sisters to them to get their clothes, and then go to their room to rest first."

"Yes, Master."

This short gua man is Sun Jiu, he is Pan Jian's great apprentice.

However, Rao was Pan Jian's great apprentice, but he was just an ordinary person, and he couldn't even draw the breath into the body.

In other words, this looks very awesome, the fairy mist-wrapping Wolong Mountain Villa, is full of money, has a cultivation base and has only reached the second level of Qi Refining, and only Pan Jian is alone.

Lin Rui followed silently at the end.

Here Xue Yumeng has already walked to Sun Jiu and asked gently, "Mr. Sun, how long have you been learning martial arts with Master Pan?"

"For more than five years, you can directly call my big brother in the future." Sun Jiu is a gentle person.

But Lin Rui found that Sun Jiu's eyebrows were a bit similar to Pan Jian, and the two people should be relatives.

and also……

If this Sun Jiu really stayed with Pan Jian for more than five years, what did Pan Jian teach him?

Tomorrow will be good. It is Shuimu Shuanglinggen. He has a better talent than Pan Jian. As a result, he hasn't even reached the entrapment of Qi into the body...

Lin Rui shook his head slightly.

A group of people followed Sun Jiu, after receiving the clothes one after another, they entered the east and west wing.

Sun Jiu said softly, "The wing on the east is the residence of the male disciple, the middle is the main room, and the wing on the west is the residence of the female disciple. After a while, everyone will go back to the room and change their clothes, first put on robes, and wear short guats tomorrow. After the hour, we will go to the front hall for dinner together."

This person can be regarded as dedicated, and his speech is also very polite.

Several people nodded and entered the room one after another.

With wooden window lattice furniture, there is a big shop with three sets of clean bedding.

And the clothes they received were uniform snow-white robes with golden patterns and hair bands.

The cameramen followed in and took pictures.

But they will go out when the guests change clothes.

Xue Yumeng took the predecessor's posture again, looking at Ye Chuan and Lin Rui with special care, and said, "You two choose the bunk you want to sleep in first, and give me the remaining one."