Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 404: Maybe it's here to play tickets

A group of people subconsciously held their minds, even Qi Junyu restrained his temper, with awe in his eyes.

And Lin Rui...

She is chatting with Qibao using her spiritual sense.

Qibao said while watering the immortal grass, "It looks like a gimmick, but I'm blind for such a wonderful place."

Lin Rui thinks so. "But you can let Bai Jinchuan and the others come to study. After all, the owner of Wolong Mountain Villa is more like a worldly expert than Bai Jinchuan and others."

At the entrance of the scarlet gate, there was a young man wearing a short gua. He nodded slightly and said to Fu Yunzhi who was walking in front, "You six, are you here to learn art from a teacher? Please come and pass a test first."

Fu Yunzhi raised his eyebrows, feeling interesting, "There are tests? Okay, let me see."

Several people filed in.

Only Lin Rui walked at the end, her sight fell on the unicorn statue at the door.

"A unicorn is an auspicious beast, the owner of this house actually let the unicorn beast guard the door, huh." Lin Rui smiled lightly, and walked inside.

The cameraman standing next to him paused before taking pictures first.

However, he himself knew that if this passage was broadcast at that time, it would definitely be unpleasant to Lin Rui.

However, the eldest lady might be here to play tickets.

A group of people here passed by a screen carved with dragons and phoenixes, suddenly enlightened, and entered a very spacious courtyard.

The short gua leader said, "This is the place where our brothers practice the exercises on weekdays. Everyone is right here. Only after a quarter of an hour can those who succeed will have the opportunity to become my master's apprentice."

Zamabu is also a health-preserving pile. The movement is standard and it is very tiring to do.

The six guests also knew that they would not be able to pass this level, so they had to learn the appearance of that short gua man and began to rush.

Their backpacks and jackets were all placed on the table next to them.

Although it is winter, it is located in the south and the sun is also shining.

Lin Rui's position in the northwest corner was like a playful quarter of an hour to her.

But in fact, for ordinary people, this quarter of an hour is not so easy. After a while, a few guests started to sweat on their foreheads.

Even though, their movements are basically not standardized.

The more standardized the more tired.

"If you feel muscle soreness, drowsiness, yawning and tearing, or abdomen, ant walking sensation, etc., these are all normal phenomena. If you ignore them, these symptoms will disappear later," the short gua man said slowly.

The camera was facing, even though the guests were very uncomfortable, they were still patient.

Ye Chuan, the youngest, had her calves shaking.

She eagerly asked the staff next to her, "Is it fifteen minutes? Is it there?"

"No, it's just over five minutes."

Ye Chuan wanted to cry, "Is it so slow in fifteen minutes?!"

The men here are getting better, and Xue Yumeng also feels a little tired over there, and can't stand it anymore.

Her arms and legs are sore.

But Xue Yumeng knew that this variety show was very important to him, and he definitely couldn't be eliminated at the beginning.

Yes, if you can't survive these fifteen minutes of horse stance, you will not be able to participate in the next variety show.

The person who was packaged by the brokerage company looked like a weak little Baihua, but in fact it was a very tough plum.

So as a tough person... She has to persevere even if she has broken her teeth!