Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 336: coming

Lin Rui, holding a small umbrella, raised his head and looked at the hotel in front of him.

After checking the name, she whispered, "I'm here."

"You have finally spoken!!! Miss Lin, where have you been...?"

"Are here, I went straight upstairs to find him."

Hearing the busy tone in the phone, Grid was stunned again, and he looked around, all white.

It hasn't been half an hour, why is Miss Lin... here? Faster than driving?

It must be that his mobile phone is freezing, so the time is so forbidden!

Rubbish phone!

However, Fang's brain reacted very quickly. He immediately called Yunze and said that Lin Rui had come downstairs in the hotel.

Oh no, at this time, it should have reached the eighteenth floor... right.

Yunze held the phone, got up immediately, and sat down towards the door.

Chen Qi was agitated, and was about to rush over again, intending to hug Yunze, and Yunze flew over with an eye knife.

"Try it again?"

Staring at Brother Yun's terrifying eyes, Chen Qi immediately persuaded.

In these few seconds of hesitation, Yunze had already reached the door, and even Luohua City had not had time to come over.

Yunze suddenly opened the door.

Lin Rui standing at the door was about to ring the doorbell. She saw Yun Ze's worried and eager face, and the corners of her mouth slowly rose, her eyes smiling.


Yunze looked at the pretty little girl in front of him.

With a smile at the corners of his eyes and a red coat, standing here pretty.

He felt his heart hit his soul hard.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to hug the little girl fiercely!

But no...

The little girl is too young, and there are eyes and ears all around here.

Yunze stretched out his hand, grabbed the little girl's wrist, pulled her in at once, and then suddenly closed the door.

Lin Rui shook his body and leaned directly against the wall, looking at Yunze with a little puzzlement.

The two people are standing at this time, as long as Yunze stretches out one hand to support the wall, it will be a proper wall.

Of course Yunze didn't support it.

He couldn't even hold it, how dare to hold it, looking at the confusion in the little girl's bright eyes, Yunze took a deep breath and slowly explained, "There may be a paparazzi outside."

Lin Rui understood.

Ah Xing is a public figure, and there must be a lot of pesky paparazzi staring at him all day long, so it is really not good to stand at the door and talk.

She nodded, expressing understanding.

Because she has been walking outside, even if Lin Rui is not afraid of the cold, there is still a chill on her body.

Yunze was frozen by the chill, feeling a layer of goose bumps on his skin.

He is a little cold.

But I don't know why, but his heart is very hot, so hot that his heart is sweating.

Two days of ice and fire.

At this moment, an untimely voice suddenly rang, "Aze! The person you are talking about is a little girl!"

Lin Rui turned his head and saw Chen Qi standing there with another man in his 30s.

Yun Ze gave a hum, and then introduced to Lin Rui, "This person is called Luo Huacheng and is my agent."

"Oh, hello, Mr. Luo." Lin Rui nodded to Luo Huacheng.

Luo Huacheng looked at the beautiful and thrilling little girl, then looked at the nervous expression on his cousin's face trying to fade.

There was a thump in his heart.

His cousin shouldn't fall in love with a little girl, and then he still kidnapped people clearly now!

When did this happen!

Why doesn't he know at all!