Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 328: Schoolmaster VS School Grass

Afterwards, Ouyang Qian said, "Oh, that's it, I wish you a good time, goodbye."


After the call was hung up, Lin Rui returned the phone to Ouyang Jin, and after receiving the gift, he turned and left.

The whole person is extremely cold.

Ouyang Jin looked at her back, her eyes a little infatuated.

Li Tao was a little far away, and didn't hear what they said, only saw Ouyang Jin give the gift to Lin Rui, and Lin Rui accepted it!

He felt terribly bored in his heart.

That little deer seems to be suffocating!

Artificial respiration will not be good!

While getting in the car, Lin Ruichao looked at Li Tao, who was standing not far away, and she felt her spiritual sense, and Li Tao's mood seemed very unstable.

"Miss Lin, what's the matter?" asked Fang who was driving.

Lin Rui shook his head, retracted his thoughts, and said, "It's okay, let's go."

Li Tao watched Lin Rui's car drive away. He gritted his teeth, turned around, and walked toward the senior high school district.

At this time in the third year of high school, there is still a self-study evening, so after Ouyang Jin just sent Lin Rui's things, she planned to go back to the classroom.

But before he walked into the classroom, he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Ouyang Jin, are you still not giving up on Lin Rui?!"

Ouyang Jin turned around and looked at Li Tao in front of him, his eyes cold.

"What does it have to do with you?"

"It was obvious that you gave up Lin Rui, and later you were with Lin Xiao, what's the matter with you now?" Li Tao has been holding something in his heart recently.

I want to burst out, but I can't find a breakthrough.

It was Christmas soon, and at this time, Lin Rui suddenly accepted Ouyang Jin's gift... Li Tao felt like a firecracker that was suddenly lit.

Broke! !

Ouyang Jin also always complained about Li Tao in his heart. He was disgusted by Lin Rui, but this Li Tao could revolve around Lin Rui every day!

His eyes were cold, "Even if my marriage contract with Lin Rui has ended, she and I are childhood sweethearts! The relationship between our two families has always been very good! Yes, I admit that I like Lin Rui now, and I said before. , I regret it! But as for you, Li Tao, you are a fool who dare not even say you like it!"

"What are you special?"

Li Tao smashed a fist, hitting Ouyang Jin in the nose.

Although Ouyang Jin is taller than Li Tao and has longer arms, he has never had a fight.

But this punch completely angered him.

He kicked directly at Li Tao...

Just like this, the two of you punched me and kicked, until the classmates and teachers around ran over to pull them away, they all hung the lottery.

Of course, Ouyang Jin has more color on her body.

After all, there is still a little difference between professional and amateur.

Although Li Tao had a bad reputation as a school tyrant before, this was his first fight in experimental middle school.

So when Li Yingzhi was called, she didn't react for a while.

But what surprised them even more was that the other side of the fight turned out to be Ouyang Jin!

Ouyang Jin's head teacher was stupid.

You know, Li Tao didn't fight after he was in high school.

Then Ouyang Jin has never had a fight with anyone since she was a child!

When both of them were brought into the dean's office, the school grass and the school bully had already been posted on the campus forum.

It is because the two protagonists were too topical in the experimental middle school, so the post was topped in an instant and became the hottest post.