Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 319: I don't pity Xiangxiyu too much

"Call the police," Yun Ze looked away from the phone, looked at Han Xiangxiang, who was fainted, and he sighed.

"I don't pity Xiangxiyu too much, cousin, you won't find a wife in the future."

Luo Huacheng's mouth twitched.

"I'm all for whom! You know, I'm just a poor little agent!"

Yunze moved his eyes to the phone again.

Compared to acting, he is much better than his cousin.

Therefore, Yunze reluctantly turned off the video that he watched countless times playing basketball, and then dialed a series of numbers.

At the moment when the call was connected, Yunze's voice became furious, and from time to time, he coughed twice, very weak.

"Uncle, you sent someone to start with me! I must tell Grandpa about this matter! Cough cough cough cough cough."

Yungu was already exhausted enough.

As a result, after receiving this'complaint' call from Yunze, the whole person suddenly became worse!

The phone was hung up for a long time, and he hadn't recovered.

At this time, Yungu’s illegitimate son Guo Xun came over and complained to him, “Dad, that Qi Handa is too unreliable! Why should we pay the bill when something happened to his own family? And, even if I take that When things leaked out, it was because he didn't do everything cleanly afterwards, so he dared to blame us!"

Looking at his most proud son, Yun Gu was almost so angry that he didn't lift him up.

He stretched out his big hand and slapped it.

"Are you still thinking about these? There is a bigger disaster, do you know it!"

Guo Xun was beaten up.

Since recognizing this father back, Yungu hasn't even said a single word about him.

Now, hit him?

Seeing him like this, Yungu was extremely disappointed.

Yungu said, "Han Xiangxiang didn't say anything if he missed, but he confessed us to Yunze!"


Guo Xun immediately cursed, "That stupid bitch! Dad, what should we do? Will Yunze sue us against the old man!"

Yungu remembered that Yundian loved the sick seedling very much.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Yunze's greatest support is the old man! I now think that this one thing is really strange. The person who can do it must be the old man!"

"No! Dad, you are his nephew!"

Yungu sneered, "What about my nephew, no matter who it is, it's not as good as his sick son and grandson! Now there is no way to be kind, no, I have to transfer all the money that can be transferred as soon as possible! Xiaoxun, you Go home quickly and pack up with your mother, we must leave immediately!"

If he was banned by the Yun family, then he would have nothing!

At this time, Yunze, "Sick Yangzi", was videoing with his grandfather Yundian.

The grandpa and grandson are playing chess through the video.

In front of Yundian, there was a chessboard, and his confidant, Zhao Qin, stood quietly beside him, helping to move the sunspot.

Yundian sneered while playing chess, "Your kid finally plans to start doing it? Although the first person is Yungu, I am not surprised. But what I am surprised is, why is this time?"

"I'm getting better recently."

The appearance of being weak and coughing before has disappeared.

Yunze sat there, looked at the chessboard, thought about it, and pointed out a position to let Zhao Qin settle down.

He smiled slightly, "Seeing that I am about to die, they will definitely be anxious."

"Hey! You kid fooling me?" Yun Dian blew his beard, and said while looking at the chessboard to find the place to go. "What's the matter with the Qi family?"