Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 304: His little girl is so amazing!

"Miss!" Fang Ge looked at whether Lin Rui was injured, and touched his phone.

Obviously, I want to break out of hand speed, so I quickly report Miss Lin's situation to the boss!

Lin Rui naturally knew what he was going to do.

She said, "You don't have to send a message to Azee, I will call him directly."

Lin Rui dialed Yunze with his mobile phone while walking out.

She found that after walking a few steps, the bodyguard behind her hadn't followed.

Grid looked at the door hesitantly at this time.

Lin Rui looked back at him, "Are you not going to leave?"

"I'm going! I'm definitely going!"

Fang Ge immediately stepped on his long legs and followed him. He was obviously a burly figure, very petite and obedient in front of Lin Rui.

Fang is naturally very curious about what happened in that villa just now.

But looking at Lin Rui's smiley face, and the naturally powerful aura, he...he dare not say anything, dare not ask anything.

Forget it, since Miss Lin said that she would call the boss, then the boss himself should ask...

The bodyguard square thought.

After Lin Rui dialed Yunze's phone, the other party answered it almost instantly.

"Aze, aren't you filming?"

Yunze, who had already set the director Zhang Fengduan shiningly, said calmly, "Well, today I just finished filming the scene, so I will take a break."

"Well, too, your body is just a little better. Don't work too hard."

Yunze, who was cared by the little girl, felt the temperature in his heart rise.

He said, "Well, I know. By the way, have your affairs been handled?"

"It's over..." Lin Rui finished speaking, thought about it, and explained it again, "Well, it's over. It's just that I don't know much about stocks, does Azze understand?"

"Understand a little."

"If someone keeps my company's stock going down, is there any solution?"


Yunze originally thought that the little girl would not speak to him.

Now seeing the little girl speak so trustingly, the frost from the corners of his eyes and brows faded as quickly as possible.

This feeling of being needed is good.

Sitting over there, Chen Qi, who was playing with a mobile phone, suddenly looked at the air conditioner in confusion.

Why are you feeling hot again now? !

Garbage air conditioner!

He used the remote control angrily and changed 30 degrees to 25 degrees.

Here Yunze has briefly talked about stocks to Lin Rui, and then said, "This is easy, just leave it to me. Starting next Monday, your company's stock will not continue to fall."

"Well, that would be troublesome."

The two chatted for a while, then hung up.

Yunze guessed from Lin Rui's that Qi Hanjiang was beaten by a little girl?

He knew that Lin Rui knew martial arts.

His little girl is so amazing!

As for beatings, if the other party finds trouble in the future, the gold lawyer who just got it will be ready to start work.

Yunze thought about it for a while, and then the whole person finally returned to the usual harmless and tranquil appearance.

At this time, Chen Qicai felt, well, the indoor temperature was finally normal.

Here Lin Rui arrived at the destination in the car.

Bai Yixiao was wearing a white turtleneck sweater and a silver-gray windbreaker outside, standing at the entrance of the auditorium, rubbing his hands, stomping his feet and bowing his head.

The ink dye standing next to him is still in a black sweater and black windbreaker. The whole person is very strong, but it is extremely quiet.

He frowned slightly, "Smile, stop jumping."