Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 301: quickly

The moment Qi Hanjiang opened the door, his eyes fell on the tall bodyguard behind Lin Rui, and he frowned slightly.

He held his arms and leaned against the door, his eyes swept over Lin Rui, who had not been applied with a fan, but was still amazingly beautiful.

Qi Hanjiang sneered, "Why, did you bring someone here? Are you trying to find someone to beat me?"

He said this in a joke on purpose.

Although Lin Rui had talked about fighting before, until now, Qi Hanjiang did not think that the other party really dared to do it with him.

So this sentence is pure ridicule, pure joking.

Lin Rui's eyes were calm, she turned her head and said to Ge, "You are waiting outside the door."


"Don't listen to me?" Lin Rui looked at Fang quietly.

Although she didn't say anything else, her eyes were calm, but Fang Ge couldn't say a word in a daze.

Finally, Fang nodded, "Miss, I am waiting for you at the door."

"Well, soon." Lin Rui nodded, turned around, and walked in directly.

At the entrance of this villa, it is not easy to hit people, and there are too many cameras around.

It can support a small enchantment, but it can't be used at the door, and it can't be fun.

Just go to the living room.

When Qi Hanjiang saw that Lin Rui hadn't let the bodyguard follow, his eyes were stained with a random smile.

Well aware of current affairs.

It's just... what does ‘fast’ mean?

He raised his eyebrows.

When the door slowly closed in front of Grid's eyes, Grid immediately took out his mobile phone, and the fingers of the message were trembling.

Grid: Boss! Miss Lin didn't let me follow, she, she went in with Qi Hanjiang alone...

When Yunze saw this message, he stood up suddenly and surprised Chen Qi next to him.

Chen Qi asked in surprise, "Brother Yun, what's wrong?"

Yunze ignored him, but directly dialed a series of numbers.

He exudes a bitter breath.

Chen Qi stood by, shaking suddenly.

Why is it so cold suddenly?

He raised his head questioningly and looked at the air conditioner.

Just as Lin Rui walked into the living room with Qi Hanjiang, the phone rang.

When she saw Yunze's number, she blinked her eyes. She was a little unsure of why Ah Bank would call at this time.

Seeing that Lin Rui didn't answer the phone immediately, Qi Hanjiang sat on the sofa, stretched out his long legs, and raised the corner of his mouth. "Oh, whose call? Could it be that of someone in your family? Lin Zikang doesn't know yet, he Your baby girl came to me, right? Lin Rui, as long as you promise me, I will..."

"Hello?" Lin Rui answered the phone directly.

She didn't even listen to Qi Hanjiang's words.

Qi Hanjiang, who was suddenly interrupted and pretended to be forced, his handsome face sank.

Yunze breathed a sigh of relief when the call was connected.

Only then did he realize that it was a bit abrupt for him to do so.

But who is Yunze, even if he feels abrupt and impulsive, he can still be calm and calm.

Yun Ze asked softly, "Xiao Rui, how are you doing?"

"A bit busy." Lin Rui frowned slightly.

It's weird to be called Xiao Rui by Axing.

She just can't say anything yet.

"Oh, pay attention to your body, don't be too busy, careful of safety." After Yunze said a few words, the conversation turned, "If you encounter trouble, leave it to me."

Lin Rui understood.

It should be Fang Ge who told Yunze that she was in trouble, so Yunze called.

Her family Axing is really a good person!

Lin Rui looked at Qi Hanjiang, who was getting more and more irritable because of being ignored, and the corner of her mouth raised, "It's okay, it's a small trouble. If it's a big trouble, I will definitely let you help."