Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 269: Are you sure you really have the strength to rely on

Anyway, she is a teacher!

Teacher Feng pointed to Lin Rui angrily and said, "Lin Rui, isn't this a bit too much for you?! At first, I thought you cheated on the exam. Later, I asked the principal to investigate it. Do you hold a grudge like this? In other words, I am also a teacher, wondering what happened to your grades! And you, Li Yingzhi, how on earth did you put your jealousy in front of Lin Rui and say bad things about me, you know in your heart!"

Teacher Feng finally pointed the conversation directly at Li Yingzhi.

After all, she still didn't dare to really attack Lin Rui.

Li Yingzhi looked at her quietly, "You slandered Lin Rui and plagiarized that thing, I didn't tell her."

At that time, only a few teachers in the office and Principal Gao knew about it.

Because the impact of this incident is also quite bad. It is a good thing for students to improve, and the teacher says that students have plagiarized without evidence. If this situation is known to many students, it will be too damaging to students' learning enthusiasm.

So later Principal Gao also suppressed this matter.

So even if someone learned about this later, they didn't know who framed Lin Rui.

Li Yingzhi felt that Lin Rui was at a loss, but fortunately it had no effect on Lin Rui, so he didn't say anything.

It's just that... Today, Teacher Feng stabbed it out by himself.

Lin Rui really didn't know about this.

But Li Tao, who was next to him, suddenly reacted.

"I remembered that some time ago, on the school forum, someone said that they doubted Lin Rui's grades, and then it was confirmed that Lin Rui's grades were real and effective... It turns out that this happened, and it was Teacher Feng that you reported it?! "Li Tao sneered, "Teacher Feng, just your kind of teacher, I don't fit to stay in experimental middle school, right?"

Teacher Feng felt that he was going to be congested with anger!

But this matter, she also has a little frustration.

In fact, the experimental middle school has very strict requirements for teachers. Teachers will be audited every few years.

The audit season is about to begin again. Teacher Feng has always been worried that he will fail the audit this time.

After all, no matter in teaching or in all aspects, her grades are not very good.

As a result, after hearing Li Tao's words, her conscience suddenly exploded.

After a guilty conscience, anger becomes angry.

Teacher Feng said angrily, "I stayed in the experimental middle school by my strength. You students cannot be sure with a few words!"

Li Tao spoke more recklessly than Lin Rui.

He dug his ears and said grinning, "Mr. Feng, are you sure you really have the strength to rely on?"

Teacher Feng:...

Teacher Feng felt that she couldn't bother the one or two students! Too frustrated!

Finally, Teacher Feng glared at Li Yingzhi next to him, "Li Yingzhi, these are all good students you taught! If you don't care about students, I can help you tell Principal Gao!"

"Will I control students? It has nothing to do with you!" Li Yingzhi was also a little surprised.

She had heard that Lin Rui and Li Tao were both problematic students before. They were arrogant in junior high school and often confronted their teachers.

But it's been almost half a year since school started, these two students are not the kind of people looking for trouble.

Even in the atmosphere where the two of them are studying hard now, the other students in the class who are not doing well in their studies are all very well-behaved.

The overall performance of Class 10 has improved a lot!

After the mid-term exam results came out, Li Yingzhi answered the thank-you calls from the parents, and they were softened.

But now... these two students are more annoying than the other, and they have a little bit of the rumored appearance of their junior high school.
