Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 265: My daughter is so handsome

Although Li Tao didn't know the ‘great achievements’ of this teacher Feng.

But now when I heard her words, I also knew that the other party was not good, and was hostile to Lin Rui.

He is a master who doesn't care.

Now it is even harder to say that Lin Rui is not good.

Li Tao said immediately, "Teacher Feng, you can speak, just watch it here. If you can't speak, leave immediately!"

Teacher Feng almost sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

But the student in front of him is also an unreasonable master.

When he was in experimental middle school, this kid was still a little convergent.

But it is said that when he was in junior high school before, he cried with anger at the director of other people's teaching.

You know that the dean is a man in his forties!

Teacher Feng herself is also a bully and afraid of hard work, so her expression is very ugly, and she hasn't had any episodes.

But she was gloating in her heart, thinking, huh, when the loss of the experimental middle school is very ugly, see what else you can be proud of!

She has forgotten that she is also a teacher of Experimental Middle School...

The game officially started here, and Lin Rui naturally started to play.

Qi Hanjiang looked at Lin Rui with interest, and said with a smile, “It’s okay to play early, so that you can leave after playing for 15 minutes. The number of points you lose afterwards has nothing to do with you.”

The faces of Lu Jin and others are super ugly, but they have nothing to say, after all, they lost in the hands of the third lieutenant colonel last time.

It's still a shameful big score behind.

Instead, Lin Rui looked at Qi Hanjiang quietly, frowning, "Who told you I only played 15 minutes?"

"Don't force me, you, Brother Jiang and I, are actually very pitiful." Qi Hanjiang didn't take Lin Rui's words seriously at all, thinking that the little girl just loves face.

In fact, he has already agreed with the people in the team. Today, he will save some face for the experimental middle school and win the opponent by a few tenths.

He fell in love with this Lin Rui.

The whistle blew and the game started.

At this time, the sounds of cheering Qi Hanjiang were all in the gym.

Li Tao was so angry that he immediately put his hands on his lips and shouted, "Lin Rui, come on!"

This sound was actually not loud. After all, the cheerleaders around Qi Hanjiang were so lively that they almost overwhelmed Li Tao's cheer.

But Lin Rui has good hearing.

While dribbling, she turned her head and smiled at Li Tao.

In fact, this is an extremely faint smile, really slight.

But in Li Tao's view, this is exactly the smile of the allure!

The little deer in his heart, which had grown a lot, jumped for joy.

But at this time, Lin Rui had already turned around and walked towards the opponent's basketball hoop.

It was at this time that Lin Zikang appeared in the basketball hall with more than 20 bodyguards lined up.

Although many people are paying attention to this game, and it is still on the third middle side, it is not an official game and it is impossible to be full.

So Lin Zikang took a group of bodyguards to find a place close to Lin Rui and their rest area to sit down.

But even so, someone discovered this right away.

A mature man in a suit and leather shoes, with a group of black bodyguards...

The style of painting is a bit strange.

Many students are a little unclear, so they whisper.

Lin Rui, who has a strong spiritual sense, naturally saw it.

She just leaped slightly and made a beautiful three-pointer, then turned her head and nodded at Lin Zikang in the audience with a smile.

Lin Zikang was suddenly excited!

My daughter is so handsome!