Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 162:

In the evening, after Chen Qi washed up, he came out and saw A Ze sitting by the fire in a daze. His hair was wet with water because he hadn\'t wiped it, and the shoulders of his pajamas were wet.

Chen Qi walked over, put his towel on the other person\'s head and slowly wiped it, blaming: "Why don\'t you dry your hair after washing it? What if you catch a cold like this?"

A Ze raised his head slightly and looked at Chen Qi, "I won\'t get sick."

"Yes, yes, how can you get sick when you are so healthy, but you should dry your hair well after washing, you know?"

"Yeah." Aze replied obediently.

The two stopped talking, the sound of the firewood being burned crackling sounded in the silent hall, the water in the pottery kettle had been boiled, Aze took out the kettle and found the two\'s tea cups and put them in it. A few dried flowers, and then poured boiling water into the cup. The dried flowers were carried by the water and kept spinning in the cup. The originally transparent water was slowly dyed a light yellow.

"Do you have something on your mind?" Chen Qi asked in a low voice, pinching Azer\'s earlobe, which was slightly transparent because it was against the firelight.

Azer nodded, paused, and shook his head again.

Chen Qi sat next to him amusingly, and put the towel that had become wet from wiping Aze\'s wet hair on his head and continued to wipe it. dripping water. "Are you okay or not?"

A Ze naturally brought the towel in the other\'s hand, Chen Qi handed it to him, skillfully found a comfortable position to lie down, and put his head on the other\'s thigh.

"Ayan\'s words today..."

"Huh?" Chen Qi squinted his eyes lazily, enjoying the feeling of the other side\'s slender fingers rubbing against his scalp with a little coolness, waiting for the other side to speak.

Aze was silent for a moment, "Dragon activity in the forest has been unusual since last winter. I am afraid this winter will be more dangerous than previous years. Even if we hide in the tribe, the dragons should attack the tribe directly as before. "Aze paused while wiping his hair, "The number of dragons was not large in the past few times, so the traps of the moat alone can block their pace, but next time if the number of dragons is several times larger or When it is dozens of times, relying on this earthen city wall alone may not be able to stop the dragons."

Azer once experienced the battle that almost brought the Yanshan tribe to its demise. No matter how long the battle was, there were all the figures of the dragons around, the corpses of the people who fell down, and the blood dyed the snow red. Azer once thought he was He would die in that battle, but fortunately he held on to it in the end. Even if the casualties were heavy, at least a lot of people survived.

But in that kind of war, Aze didn\'t want Chen Qi to encounter him. He couldn\'t guarantee that he could protect Chen Qi from being hurt a little in such a chaotic scene.

Chen Qi opened his eyes, put his hand on A Ze\'s frowning brow, his lips slightly curved, and said with a smile, "What? Are you afraid?"

"No." Azer shook his head, "I\'m just worried that you will get hurt."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Defend the city wall, I\'ll kill a hyena dragon when I come in, and I\'ll kill a pair when I come in."

A Ze\'s eyes dimmed, and the firmness inside made Chen Qi feel warm in his heart. He hooked his fingers and signaled the other party to lower his head. When A Ze bent down slightly, he quickly kissed the other party\'s lips. Dear.

"If it were a few giant creatures like Stegosaurus, the moat alone would not be able to hold it. Last year, we encountered a Hyena dragon who would use the fur snow bear to dig holes. This year, even if we encounter a Stegosaurus to survive The hyena dragon in the moat trap is not surprising."

"The Hyena Dragon that uses the power of the Stegosaurus to cross the river?" A Ze looked at Chen Qi in surprise. He had never thought of this possibility. Now, for some unknown reason, a Hyena Dragon cooperating with the Iron Armored Dragon has appeared. If Longdu and Hyena appeared together, not only the small Qi Zecheng with only a few dozen people, but also the Lion and Wolf tribe of thousands of people might not be able to defend it, right?

What will happen to the orcs living in this place? Moving inland? Or merge into a clan stronger than the lion and wolf clan?

"This is just a conjecture. After all, we only need to plan for the worst and consider the defense with this as the goal, so that we won\'t be afraid of how the Hyena Dragon will attack."

Azer nodded in agreement.

Chen Qi continued: "With our current defense, we can barely block one or two Stegosaurus, but it is impossible to block a group of Stegosaurus. And you have also seen the situation of the Locust Dragon group last year. If The locust dragon swarm rushed towards us. With the huge body of the locust dragon, it only took a few heads to fill the moat. As long as they stepped on the corpses of their companions and attacked recklessly, our earthen city wall would not last a few minutes. will be breached.”

With Chen Qi\'s conjecture, Aze\'s face became more and more solemn. At first, the moat was only thinking about preventing the relatively petite hyena dragons. If even those large dragons went crazy with the hyena dragons, Aziz didn\'t even dare to think about it.

The dragons in Loya Forest are generally only the herbivorous dragons that are particularly large in size. The carnivorous dragons, such as the Hyena Dragon Iron Armored Dragon Pterosaur, are not taller than three meters. Adult Hyenas Dragons are about the same size as lions, a feature that creates a balance between orcs and dragons living near the forest.

However, with the various changes of dragons in the forest over the past year, the dragons have a feeling that they are no longer willing to live in the forest. In the past summer, the orcs did not need to worry about encountering dragons on the Dora Plain. But now they not only encounter, but also keep appearing in groups, especially the hyena dragons, which used to only attack orcs in winter when food was scarce, but now they have begun to wander around the tribe of orcs in advance. One point is undoubtedly conveying to the orcs that the way that the orcs and dragons get along for thousands of years is about to be broken.

Seeing Aze\'s sullen face, Chen Qi stretched out his hand and pinched it, and tugged at the corner of the other\'s mouth, "Why do you always have a straight face at such a young age? Don\'t you know how good you look when you smile? Do you want to? Smile more." Chen Qi split his mouth and gave Aze a demonstration expression, "Like me, my Aze can become the most handsome orc in our tribe by laughing a little more."

Chen Qi didn\'t like the names of the females and males of the orcs. In his eyes, these females looked no different from ordinary men.

A Ze twitched the corners of his mouth, grabbed Chen Qi\'s hand that was messing up his face and took it down. Although he felt a little awkward, he still laughed according to the action Chen Qi just demonstrated, which caused Chen Qi to burst into uncontrollable laughter. , Even A Jing, who had been reading books in the room, was attracted.

A Jing stood by the door, looked at the two people rolling together by the fire, blinked his eyes, bent down and covered the eyes of the little wolf cub who came out behind him, "See no evil, no evil. Don\'t look." While talking, he picked up the little wolf cub back to the room, and locked his own door.

When he heard the door lock, Aze blushed and looked back, only to see a closed door.

After laughing enough, Chen Qi wiped the physiological tears from the corners of his eyes, and Aze reluctantly picked up the fully brewed flower tea next to him and handed it to the other party, letting Chen Qi moisten his throat.

Chen Qi sat up, took the teacup and took a sip, "Actually, you don\'t have to worry too much. I said it just now. I just thought about the worst. I\'ve eaten carnivorous creatures like Hyena dragons. Those herbivorous dragons, Stegosaurus and Locustosaurus, may not necessarily follow the command of Hyena."

Moreover, Stegosaurus and Locustosaurus were originally solitary creatures, and attacking orcs was completely useless for them. As long as the orcs did not take the initiative to provoke them, it was hard to imagine that they would run to the plains to attack the orcs for no reason. Of course, if it\'s being picked, that\'s another story.

"The situation you mentioned is not impossible. You need to tell Uncle A Zhang about these things. If it does happen, we should prepare as soon as possible." Whether it is fighting or retreating or merging into something else The tribe and Qi Ze City need to think about their future retreat first.

Chen Qi nodded, "But even if such a thing happens, we are not without the possibility of defense."

Azer looked at him suspiciously, "Didn\'t you just say that our moat and city walls can\'t be protected?"

"It\'s really difficult to completely defend the city wall with the moat alone." Chen Qi stood up, went to the table and got a bound sketchbook, took a piece of cooled charcoal from the fire, and then While drawing in the sketchbook, he said to Azer, "Now that winter is coming, what is the most in winter? Snow, we have an inexhaustible supply of snow to use."

"Last year we made the ice city wall, and we discussed the ice city wall before. This time we can continue to build another ice city wall outside the moat, and then we can place some barriers such as deer and horses, etc. We can dig a few more large-scale traps outside the ice city wall, and the most important thing is that we have one of the most important weapons." Chen Qi quickly drew a few patterns on the sketchbook, and then used charcoal to dot on it. , "Explosive/drug. As long as this thing is used well, no matter what kind of dragon it is, we can make it go back and forth."

Listening to his partner\'s coherent and powerful voice, Aze was a little dazed. He always felt that his partner needed his full protection. However, even if his partner was a male with little fighting ability, the other party could protect him and even protect him. In the entire tribe, no one in the entire tribe has said or done what Chen Qi said or did.

A Ze\'s lips opened and closed a few times, and finally he just buried his head on the other\'s shoulder. Although he didn\'t know if what Chen Qi said could really stop the dragon\'s attack, he didn\'t care about Chen Qi\'s method. Feasible, as long as there are dragons who dare to attack the tribe this winter, he will definitely not let any dragons step into Qi Ze City.

"Let\'s discuss the defense with others tomorrow, and we\'ll get ready early." After all, winter is coming, and some things need to be done before winter comes.

"Well." Chen Qi rubbed Aze\'s soft hair with a little moisture, "Speaking of you missed this year\'s birthday last time to hunt Mao Xuexiong, I haven\'t told you yet, happy birthday , my Azer."