Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 996

Gu Luoluo\'s Apricot eyes stared at the man\'s chest. What flashed in his mind was the passionate time when they confessed to each other.

The whole body was warm. Gu Luoluo\'s slender hand unconsciously touched Fu Xichen\'s chest and felt the man\'s tight skin touch and the strong heartbeat.

Fu Xichen, does he like her at all?

She thinks so!

Even if it was pitifully small, it was enough to excite her.

Gu Luoluo\'s eyebrows and eyes flashed a trace of obsession. He was about to draw his hand, but his slender hand was held by someone.

The next second, the body was pulled and turned dizzily, and the person was pressed onto the bed.

Gu Luoluo pressed down the exclamation from her mouth, looked at the man on her and whispered, "Fu Xichen, are you drunk or awake?"

At this time, Fu Xichen looked at the woman under him with a pair of peach eyes. His eyes were not very clear, his sexy thin lips vomited the smell of wine, and his voice was slightly drunk after drinking, "I\'m not drunk."

Not drunk?

If he wasn\'t drunk, he wouldn\'t talk like that.

Gu Luoluo smiled, put his hand around his neck, and deliberately softened his tone, "well, you\'re not drunk, but you hurt me. Let me go first and I\'ll wipe your body for you, okay?"

The drunken Fu Xichen\'s attitude towards her is less indifferent and more peaceful and honest. She is like a large pet dog that only needs smooth hair, which softens her heart.

"Help me wipe my body? How?"

Fu Xichen pulled down her hand and put it on his chest, moving up and down gently, "is it like this?"

The man\'s voice was low and dumb, with a trace of unknown lust, and the thin wine smell was more burning because of his action.

Gu Luoluo was slightly stunned, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth enlarged, "you can wipe as you want, as long as you are comfortable!"

Is this man intentional or unintentional?

But whether intentionally or unintentionally, at the moment, he made her obsessed with her and couldn\'t extricate herself.

Gu Luoluo\'s hand slowly swam on him, his fingers flexibly shuttled through his clothes and touched his pants

Her clothes were untidy and faded, and her fingers lit a fire on him bit by bit until the man\'s eyes darkened and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

Gu Luoluo\'s clothes were half untied. Looking at the man\'s appearance at the moment, his brain pumped out and asked, "ah Chen, who am I?"

She still remembered the way Fu Xichen held her in his arms the night before yesterday and shouted the names of other women.

She wished he was sober at the moment.

I know clearly that she is the one I want to go to.

Fu Xichen\'s black eyes were misty. He looked at the woman whose lower half shirt had faded, and a hint of dissatisfaction mocked him at the corners of his mouth, "Gu Luoluo, I said, I\'m not drunk!"

He said he wasn\'t drunk!

He also clearly called out her name!

Gu Luoluo\'s heart was full of joy, and his smiling eyebrows could not hide his joy.

She knew that he was very drunk.

Otherwise he couldn\'t have talked to her like that.

But even so, it can also represent that Fu Xichen does not regard her as another woman at the moment.

So, does it also mean that his heart is accepted by her bit by bit!


Gu Luoluo reached out his slender hand and turned off the only light on by the bed.

In the dark, the heat is rolling, the figures of men and women are intertwined, and the space is full of red eared and heartbeat sounds and pictures.

The night is long and people welcome the dawn with infinite reverie and expectation.