Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 992

Fu Xichen pulled Gu Luoluo\'s arm, stared at the woman\'s clear and beautiful eyes with black eyes, and finally released her for a long time.

"Want to cooperate with Fu? Your company will send a small person to talk to me? Is this the sincerity of your company?"

This is to let go and promise them Huaxiang a chance?

Gu Luoluo was secretly happy and relieved. There was a happy look in his eyes.

"Thank Mr. Fu for giving us Huaxiang a chance. I\'ll go back and report to our boss and let him come and talk about cooperation with you."

I don\'t know what touched him. In short, she was very satisfied with the result.

Can she regard his compromise as his compromise to her?

Fu Xichen glanced at Gu Luoluo, went to his desk, sat down, sat upright and began to work.

Men at work are the most charming and eye-catching.

Gu Luoluo looked at him, bent his lips, turned around and walked away with light steps.

When the door was closed, the man in the big chair slowly raised his head, looked at the front with black eyes, holding Parker pie in his hand, and knocked on the table again and again, with deep eyes.

Gu Luoluo returned to Huaxiang design company after leaving the door of Fu.

After entering the president\'s office, Yan Kuan is working.

"President Yan, Fu Xichen needs to meet you in person and talk about it in detail."

Gu Luoluo reports directly.

Hearing the speech, Yan Kuan\'s face brightened. "Really? Lolo, I really have you. I\'ll call Fu Xichen and make an appointment."

In less than two hours, Gu Luoluo made a breakthrough.

It seems that the cooperation with Fu should be a certainty!

Yan Kuan got up and smiled so that the corners of his eyes were wrinkled, "Lolo, I\'ll take you to meet your new colleagues."


Accompanied by Yan Kuan, Gu Luoluo met with the heads of several departments.

When she got to her office, another secretary of the Secretary\'s office greeted her with a warm face and made an appointment to have lunch.

Gu Luoluo readily agreed and chatted with each other.

After dinner, Gu Luoluo received an internal call from Yan Kuan as soon as he returned to the Secretary\'s office.

"Lolo, I have an appointment with Fu Xichen to meet at Rumeng club in the evening. You should be ready to entertain."

Dream club?

Isn\'t that where she slept with Fu Xichen for the first time?

Gu Luoluo pursed his lips, answered and hung up the phone.

The scene of that night came back to my mind unexpectedly.

The man\'s hot skin wrapped himself, and the surging tide of emotion constantly impacted on her sense.

Like a dream, people just want to get it.

His face was hot, Gu Luoluo breathed and threw away the beautiful scene in his mind.

In the evening, Yan Kuan called Gu Luoluo and drove straight to Rumeng club.

This is the most upscale club in Nanwan.

The first floor is the hall. Under the strange lights, the card seat has already been filled with people.

The dancers on the stage are dancing a dazzling dance.

One after another, some people followed the music in the surrounding open space to release their energy.

The atmosphere was warm.

"Lolo, I heard you worked part-time in a bar before? I\'m a little familiar with the manager here. I\'ll say hello to him. Go up and show your hand."

Yan Kuan\'s voice sounded in his ear. Gu Luoluo blinked, some inexplicable.

Which one is this?

Why suddenly let her on stage?

Before Gu Luoluo could figure it out, Yan Kuan went aside and made a call.

Gu Luoluo looked at the excitement on the stage and remembered the scene when he first met Fu Xichen.

It\'s all fate!

Who would have thought that one day, she would gradually want to become a chess player from a chess piece?