Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 990

The man\'s side face showed concentration, and the action of applying medicine was very light.

The pain in the palm of his hand was mixed with a trace of coolness. Gu Luoluo didn\'t feel pain, but felt warm and happy.

Feeling the woman\'s hot eyes, Fu Xichen slightly twisted his sword eyebrows. When the last process was completed, he threw away Gu Luoluo\'s hand, took out a paper towel and wiped his dirty fingers. His behavior and expression were full of disgust.

Gu Luoluo was not annoyed, but said with red lips: "Mr. Fu, take it easy. In case the wound cracks, I have to bother you to wrap it again!"

Fu Xichen: "

Is this still the docile and obedient woman he knew before?

It seems that since she returned to Nanwan, every contact, she is refreshing his sense.

Fu Xichen got up, threw the dirty paper towel into the dustbin, went to the window, copied his pocket with both hands, and looked down at Gu Luoluo.

"Come on, what the hell are you doing here today?"

He had seen the folder in Gu Luoluo\'s hand. He wanted to hear the real purpose of her coming here.

Hearing the speech, Gu Luoluo picked up the folder that fell on the ground and went to Fu Xichen. "President Fu, I\'m here to deliver the bid on behalf of Huaxiang design company. I also hope Fu can always give us an opportunity to hand over the relevant decoration projects to our company."

On behalf of Huaxiang design company?

Fu Xichen stared at Gu Luoluo straightly, and a cold sarcasm slowly arose from the corners of his mouth. "Gu Luoluo, you rejected my suggestion just to work for other companies? On behalf of Huaxiang design company, what\'s your position?"

"My position is secretary to the general manager."

A word made Fu Xichen\'s face gloomy.

"Gu Luoluo, you are really good!"

Working as a Secretary for someone else?

The boss and the secretary always give people an indescribable ambiguity.

So when a Xie Junyan left, she planned to get involved with the boss of Huaxiang design company?

The man\'s face was gloomy and fierce. Gu Luoluo\'s red lips were light. "Mr. Fu, let me tell you about the advantages of our Huaxiang design company..."

"Shut up!"

Fu Xichen looked coldly at Gu Luoluo, "Gu Luoluo, is your boss stupid or are you stupid? Make you think I will hand over Fu\'s business to an unknown small company like you?"

"Mr. Fu, although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of internal organs. At least our company\'s reputation and reputation in business for more than ten years are first-class, and at least our relationships in Nanwan are interlinked. As long as Mr. Fu gives us a chance, you can save a lot of unnecessary thoughts and let you rest assured."

Gu Luoluo opened and closed his red lips like a stream of kindness.

Fu Xichen stared at the beautiful red lips and couldn\'t help his anger any more.

He pulled Gu Luoluo\'s arm and pushed her onto the huge French window.

The slender finger pinched her small minibus, gnashing his teeth and said, "Gu Luoluo, don\'t pretend I don\'t understand. I tell you, you have given me a dead heart. I can\'t give this contract to your company."

Damn woman, courage is commendable!

Without him, what makes her think she can talk about the business?

"Is it really impossible to give the contract to our company?"

Gu Luoluo slowly stroked Fu Xichen\'s big hand holding his chin with his injured hand and blinked. "Mr. Fu, tell me, how do you want to give the contract to our company? Well, do you need some hidden rules?"