Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 981

The woman in bed slept quietly and had no intention of waking up.

Fu Xichen frowned, bent down and patted her face, "Gu Luoluo, don\'t sleep, wake up quickly."

Why did you sleep so heavily?

How many ecstasy did the gang feed her?

Fu Xichen looked down at the woman\'s sleeping face. On a small face with a palm, Qiong\'s nose was very upturned and her red lips were beautiful. She fell asleep quietly, inexplicably attractive.

The fragrance of a woman floating on his nose constantly arouses the desire of men to sleep.

Fu Xichen\'s eyes grew darker. He reached out his hand, stroked her beautiful hair, stared at her red lips and wanted to pick it.

At this time, the woman slowly opened her eyes.

A pair of watery apricot eyes looked at Fu Xichen mistily. They were confused that they didn\'t know the world, and people couldn\'t help but want to ravage him severely.

Fu Xichen\'s throat rolled slightly and said in a dumb voice, "are you awake?"

Gu Luoluo\'s Apricot eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of water mist.

She quietly looked at Fu Xichen, her red lips slightly bent, reached out and hooked his neck and pulled him down, "ah Chen."

A woman\'s voice is delicate and soft, full of coquetry and attachment, just like a good aphrodisiac, which immediately disturbs people\'s mind.

At the moment, Fu Xichen\'s black eyes lit up clusters of flames, and his body was like a giant beast, constantly pulling him and wanting something.

When the body touches a woman\'s soft body, it has fatal temptation.

Gu Luoluo had a dream.

In the dream, she was with Fu Xichen. The man looked at her infatuated and kept asking for her.

It hurts!

Can be painful, but gradually happy.


Was she eaten by Fu Xichen?

Is it a dream?

If it\'s a dream, never wake up!

Gu Luoluo\'s curled eyelashes trembled slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the strange ceiling above her head, her thoughts were in a trance for a moment.

In a trance, she could feel the weight on her body.

Heavy, but very warm.

His eyes moved down, Gu Luoluo stared at the man\'s arm pressed on his body, and his heart began to beat irregularly.

The memory of last night gradually came back. She remembered someone came to ask for debt.

Then the gang dazed her and said they wanted to pay her debts.

She paid the debt, so she\'s gone now?

So, the man next to him who slept with himself is

Gu Luoluo jerked his head sideways, and a pretty face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But when Fu Xichen\'s handsome face came into her eyes, Gu Luoluo\'s heart jumped happily uncontrollably.

Not fear, but ecstasy.

She wasn\'t dreaming.

It turned out that she was really with Fu Xichen last night!

The man in the dream who kept asking for her was really Fu Xichen!

So, is she Fu Xichen\'s woman now?

Gu Luoluo moved her body. There were too many discomfort in her body, but she couldn\'t resist her joy.

She endured the pain on her body and leaned over, reaching out her slender hand to caress his handsome face.

This is the man she loves deeply and the first man in her life.

I didn\'t expect that one day she would succeed and become his woman.

so happy!

The man\'s eyebrows frowned as if he were going to wake up.

Gu Luoluo\'s heart jumped, his hand hurried away, closed his eyes, retracted into his arms and began to pretend to sleep.

Some are happy and some are uneasy.

I don\'t know what attitude he will have towards himself when he wakes up.

His nose was full of manly charm. Gu Luoluo closed his eyes and listened to the man\'s powerful heartbeat. His heart was full of longing.