Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 979

Hearing this, Gu Luoluo was filled with depression.

She threw away Gu Hai and stepped forward to look at the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa.

"Brother Bao, right? How much does my father owe you this time?"

The middle-aged man on the sofa smoked a cigarette, threw up a cigarette ring lazily and winked at his little brother.

The little brother on one side understood and said, "your father borrowed our brother Bao several times, which added up to 200000. Plus the interest, he owed us brother Bao 300000."

Three hundred thousand!

Gu Luoluo only felt his heart dripping blood.

How could she have such a biological father?

Three hundred thousand!

Not $30000!

How much time does she have to eat or drink before she can pay back the money!

Gu Luoluo clenched his fist. "Brother Bao, you are also a wanderer in the Jianghu. Why don\'t you inquire about his assets before lending my father money? He has no job and no real estate. If he doesn\'t come out, don\'t you want to lose money?"

Why do these vampires who eat human blood steamed bread lend money to her father!

If he doesn\'t lend money to her father, he won\'t have the money to gamble!

"Miss Gu, I inquired. Your father owed BOGO money before, and he was very happy. Your father said, you are Fu Xichen\'s lover. With Fu Xichen as his backing, what\'s a mere hundreds of thousands of yuan?"

The man vomited a cigarette ring and opened his mouth slowly.

Fu Xichen\'s lover!

Gu Luoluo turned back angrily and glared at Gu Hai. "Dad, how can you talk nonsense and tarnish your daughter\'s reputation outside? Fu Xichen and I used to be just superior and subordinate. Now I quit my job and have nothing to do with it."

"Why doesn\'t it matter? If it doesn\'t matter, he couldn\'t have paid off my gambling debt before."

Gu Hai pulled Gu Luoluo\'s sleeve. "Daughter, don\'t say so much. You\'d better pay back the money for me quickly."

Three hundred thousand?

She did have a card, but there was only a mere 100000 yuan in it. She hid it for Gu Ningjie to go to college!

Gu Luoluo threw away Gu Hai and his chest fluctuated. "Dad, I really don\'t have money!"

"No money? What about that?"

The man put out the cigarette butt in his hand, and a cold light flashed in his shrewd thin eyes.

He looked at Gu Hai, "Gu Hai, I gave you a half month deadline. You promised to pay off the money owed to me with interest today. Why do you want to deny it?"

"Yes, how dare you eat our black bog? Gu Hai, you have a lot of courage!"

The younger brother on one side took out a sharp knife, and the long blade was covered with a cold halo.

Gu Hai trembled with fear and held Gu Luoluo tightly. "Luoluo, save me quickly. They will really kill me."

Gu Luoluo looked at the knife in the man\'s hand and swallowed his saliva. He barely calmed down. "Brother Bao, killing is illegal, and it\'s illegal to charge high interest rates. I hope you can give me some time and let me pay back the money slowly."

"Oh! Miss Gu, are you threatening me?"

The man stood up, and several people around him quickly surrounded Gu Hai and his daughter.

Gu Luoluo said firmly, "it\'s not a threat. I\'m just stating the facts. Either you give me some time and let me pay back the money slowly, or everyone will die. But if my father dies, brother Bao is doing business at a loss. It\'s better to follow my advice and let me pay off the money slowly."

Hearing Gu Luoluo\'s words, the man narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at Gu Luoluo.

Finally, he smiled, "Miss Gu, my time is very precious. It\'s too troublesome for you to pay back the money slowly. I think you look good. Well, I\'ll take you to pay the debt!"