Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 960

Hearing the woman\'s words, Gu Luoluo held her hand.

"Aunt, anyway, it\'s always wrong to hit people. Fortunately, I hurt president Fu this time. If I did, the two brothers would be in real trouble."

"Fu deserves to be hurt. Who let him hurt Grandma Li badly?"

The woman was angry and somewhat guilty.

She now knows the situation is bad.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to vent his anger, but Fu Xichen did not dare to do anything about them.

After all, Fu Xichen came to solve the demolition problem as soon as possible. In that case, even if he suffered a loss, he could not really deal with them.

But who knew he was so unkind that he really locked her two sons in.

Her two sons are just adults and can\'t be destroyed.

"Aunt Li, things have happened, and I don\'t want to say who is right and who is wrong. The most important thing now is how to solve it, isn\'t it?"

Gu Luoluo patiently analyzed with the woman, "anyway, we must not let the two brothers have an accident."

"Yes, yes, you can\'t let my son have something to do, so Lolo, come with me to the police station, explain the matter and let them let my son go."

The anxious look on the woman\'s face, now she doesn\'t care about anything else, just hoping to save her son.

"Aunt, listen to me."

Gu Luoluo quickly spoke, "The reason for this is my father\'s fault. It doesn\'t have much to do with the Fu group. I\'ve inquired that they give the highest compensation for demolition. Aunt, you have a high reputation in the village. Why not go back and persuade your uncles and aunts to sign the demolition agreement quickly. When this matter is settled peacefully, I will bring my two brothers to you safely Come with me. "

At this time, she has no other way to make the villagers sign the agreement smoothly.

We have to take advantage of it.

The woman is the village women\'s director and has great prestige.

She is sure to solve the matter smoothly.

I just feel sorry for using her.

Gu Luoluo secretly apologized to the woman.

"Lolo, are you threatening me?"

The woman couldn\'t help standing up and said angrily.

The cold ice on one side was about to come forward. Fu Xichen\'s cold voice came from the door, "are you finished talking? Go out after talking."

He listened at the door and knew what Gu Luoluo was up to.

This woman will be regarded as a thorn in the eye in the future.

"Mr. Fu, you came just in time. My aunt said that she would ask the villagers to sign the demolition agreement as soon as possible. Could you please go to the police station to vent your anger and don\'t let them embarrass the two brothers?"

Gu Luoluo looked at Fu Xichen who came in and winked at him.

Do you want to sing the double reed with yourself?

Fu Xichen sneered in his heart. He didn\'t speak, but looked at Gu Luoluo.

You\'re a gesture!

It\'s also convenient for me to finish the trick.

Gu Luoluo felt sick in his heart.

"Lolo, when will I..."

"Aunt, what I just said is true. My brothers will be safe. Please hurry to do the work of other villagers."

Gu Luoluo interrupted the woman with a firm tone and implicit warning.

The meaning is very clear.

If he wants his two sons to come out safely, he must let other villagers sign the demolition agreement.

The woman held her turbid breath in her heart, stared at Gu Luoluo with hatred, and glanced at Fu Xichen who came in.

"Can you guarantee my son\'s safety as long as I ask other villagers to sign the agreement?"

How terrible that place is.

It would be miserable if this Fu gave her two sons some trouble with some relationship.

At present, she can only agree with Gu Luoluo\'s suggestion.