Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 954

Fu Xichen was besieged and had no time to care about others.

There were already spectators around, and they took a breath when they saw it.

"Hey, that boss will suffer."

"Yes, have something to say. These young people are too fierce."


Fu Xichen listened and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

There seemed to be a strong wind behind him. He subconsciously turned back and saw the young man throwing a chair at him.

The pupil suddenly shrinks, but he wants to avoid being entangled by someone.

At this critical moment, an anxious female voice sounded, "be careful."

Then, a figure rushed at him


The heavy object hit him and made a dull noise.

The woman screamed, bit her lips, and her face was full of pain.

The fighting people stopped one after another and looked at the scene panting.

No one expected that someone would suddenly rush out to protect Fu Xichen.

Still a woman!

Fu Xichen also stared at the woman who suddenly rushed out and looked at the fine cold sweat on her face. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"Gu Luoluo, you..."

The woman who rushed out was Gu Luoluo!

Is she crazy?

Gu Luoluo\'s hand pulled his arm tightly, and his bloodless red lips pulled, "Fu Xichen, are you okay?"

He\'s okay, it\'s her!

Fu Xichen\'s chest fluctuated for a while, holding Gu Luoluo as a princess. Obviously flustered, he still scolded coldly: "Gu Luoluo, who wants you to rush over? If you want to die, stay away from me!"

Gu Luoluo only felt pain in her internal organs. Looking at the man\'s tight jaw, she gently pulled his sleeve and said pitifully, "Fu Xichen, I hurt."

"You hurt, you..."

Fu Xichen strode forward and wanted to scold again, but when he looked down at her pale little face and misty apricot eyes, the angry voice of his mouth immediately swallowed it.

The voice unconsciously softened, "bear it again, and I\'ll let the doctor show you right away."

"Oh, OK. Fu Xichen, I\'ll sleep first."

Gu Luoluo\'s face turned white and fainted with pain.

Fu Xichen held her tightly and his voice trembled. "Gu Luoluo, hold on! Doctor, where\'s the doctor!"


Outside the emergency room, the cold ice hurried, and the hair was still sweating.

"Mr. Fu, according to your instructions, those rioters have been sent to the police station."


Fu Xichen held a cigarette that had already been pinched flat in his hand. His black eyes fixed on the lamp in the emergency room, and his face was as heavy as ink.

Seeing this, the cold ice is ready to stop talking.

After a while, he said, "Mr. Fu, are you really going to sue those young people? Although this matter is reasonable for us, I hope Fu can always think twice in order to take the overall situation into account."

Their ultimate goal is to settle the matter peacefully.

If the injured young people are arrested for this, I think the villagers will hate them more, and the demolition work will not be completed on schedule.

"They hurt people and must pay a price."

Fu Xichen\'s anger flashed around him, and the cigarette in his hand was suddenly broken in two.

Is this venting for gulolo?

Han Bing\'s eyes flashed slightly and retreated to one side silently.

Half an hour later, the emergency room door finally opened.

Fu Xichen was shocked and strode forward.

"Doctor, how is she?"

"The patient\'s back is injured. During this period, it may cause back pain and restricted breathing. You must have a good rest."

After the doctor answered objectively, he nodded to Fu Xichen and strode away.

Fu Xichen\'s handsome face was heavy. After thanking the doctor, he strode towards the ward.