Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 931

Fu Xichen went into the villa hall and met old lady Fu first.

Mrs. Fu didn\'t ask much, but pretended to scold him unhappily and let him feel free.

Fu Xichen doesn\'t want to talk more with Fu Laofu. He just wants to find Shu Lan quickly.

Upstairs, in Gu Luoluo\'s room, several people were teasing the small milk bags in the stroller.

I don\'t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Fu Yunting stood beside Shu Lan and looked at her with drooping eyes. She looked very gentle.

Shu Lan smiled and looked at the small milk bag in the stroller. They stood together. They were so well matched.

Fu Xichen\'s face at the door was heavy, and the green veins on his forehead jumped abruptly and strode over.

Gu Luoluo had sharp eyes. When he saw Fu Xichen\'s figure at the door, he couldn\'t help jumping in his heart.

"Mr. Fu?"

Fu Xichen is back?

Hearing Gu Luoluo\'s cry, Shu Lan looked sideways. When she saw Fu Xichen, she somehow felt guilty in her heart. Without thinking about it, she moved aside, as if to stay away from Fu Yunting.

Fu Yunting\'s attention was always on Shu Lan. Of course, he didn\'t miss her little moves. Suddenly, a touch of evil was aroused in the corners of his mouth.

Guilty? It means she has him in her heart.

Fu Xichen, he is not far from losing.

"Ah Chen, are you back?"

Shu Lan walked up to Fu Xichen with a smile and said hello to him.

"Well, I\'m back. Do you miss me?"

Fu Xichen looked at Shu Lan gently and reached out to take her shoulder.

Fu Yunting\'s eyebrows sank, and the anger in his eyes flashed past. He quickly came forward and tore away Fu Xichen\'s outstretched arm.

The strength was so great that Fu Xichen stumbled and almost fell.

Fu Xichen\'s face was gloomy. He glanced at Fu Yunting and sneered, "brother, what are you doing?"

He doesn\'t want him to touch her?

But her name is Shu Lan now. She is his wife who has not been through the door.

It\'s no use worrying about him!

"Fu Xichen, let\'s talk."

Fu Yunting naturally stopped in front of Shu Lan. His tall figure was full of a frightening sense of oppression.

"We have nothing to talk about." Fu Xichen said with a cold face.

The two were at loggerheads. Shu Lan behind Fu Yunting swallowed her saliva and leaned out, "well, you have something to say..."

Fu Yunting\'s head was sideways, and his sharp eyes swept over him, showing an unashamed dignity.

The gas field was so big that inexplicably asked her to shut up and silently shrink behind him.

She looks like his little daughter-in-law.

Fu Xichen looked at the scene with determination, and the green tendons of his clenched hands burst.

Without waiting for him to say anything, Fu Yunting glanced at him coldly and strode towards the door.

"If you don\'t want everyone to know, come here quickly!"

Fu Yunting\'s voice floated through the cold wind. Fu Xichen\'s face was heavy and finally followed him out.

Watching them leave one after another, Shu Lan bit her lips and a trace of worry flashed on her face.

"Lolo, you said they wouldn\'t fight."

Hearing the speech, Gu Luoluo pulled at the corners of his mouth, "don\'t worry, this is an old house. They won\'t mess around."

It\'s going to fight long ago. Do you still have to wait until now?

She knew that Fu Yunting was angry, but she didn\'t want Fu Xichen to approach Shu Lan alone.

In the study, Fu Yunting stood at the window, his hands copying his pockets, and his tall and straight back showed endless indifference.

Fu Xichen opened the door and looked at him coldly. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Fu Xichen, you are despicable."

Fu Yunting turned around and looked at him coldly.


Fu Xichen\'s black eyes were slightly heavy and sneered, "so what?"

He knows what he means.

Isn\'t it just that someone made up her memory?

He never prides himself on being a gentleman.