Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 925

"Don\'t make a fuss. Grandma said she wanted me to take good care of you. You\'re not feeling well. I\'ll take care of you as the eldest brother, right?"

Fu Yunting stuffed the hot water bag into her quilt, then helped the person up and said softly, "good boy, drink the brown sugar water first."

The spoiled and seductive tone made Shu Lan feel warm and uncomfortable.

She took the brown sugar water and smiled at Fu Yunting, "brother, thank you. But men and women are different. I won\'t bother you to do such a small thing in the future."

between the sexes there should be a prudent reserve?

Fu Yunting\'s sword eyebrows were slightly picked, and his heart said that last night, the two people were almost red fruit.

He wanted to tease her, but seeing her look weak, Fu Yunting restrained his thoughts.

When Shulan finished drinking the brown sugar water, he took the empty bowl and tucked her in after she lay down.

"Go to sleep. I\'m in the study. Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you, brother."

Shu Lan deliberately bit the word "big brother" very hard. Fu Yunting\'s eyes narrowed and depressed his mood.

Big brother, just big brother.

He\'s older than her anyway.

It\'s right to call him big brother!

Fu Yunting comforted himself and went to pull up the curtains. Then he went out of the room, gently closed the door and went to the study to work.

On the bed, Shu Lan breathed deeply, touched the warm hot water bag, and felt like countless warm streams flowing through her heart.

Closing her eyes, she gradually went to sleep with a hot water bag in her arms.

She slept heavily this night.

The tall figure was pushed open by the bed in the afternoon.

Leaning over slightly, seeing that the woman\'s face was slightly better than that in the morning, Fu Yunting hooked his lips, sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair.

"Lingling, get up and eat before you go to bed."

The woman in her sleep didn\'t know what she was dreaming of. She murmured her lips, stretched out her white and tender jade hand, unconsciously hugged Fu Yunting\'s arm and muttered, "Yunting, don\'t make noise, stomach pain!"

Fu Yunting: "

What did he just hear?

His little wife called his name in her sleep!!

Surprise, ecstasy, excitement

Countless emotions filled his heart and made him almost burst into tears.

Even if his wife\'s subconscious memory is changed, even if it\'s wrong?

Fu Yunting took a deep breath, calmed the agitation in his heart, gently opened the quilt and held the man in his arms.

The big hand touched her lower abdomen and found that the hot water bag on one side was not very hot.

So he threw the hot water bag aside, put his warm palm on her lower abdomen and gently rubbed it.

Shulan dreamed again.

In the dream, a hundred flowers bloom in the countryside.

The tall figure of the man in front stood against the light.

She ran towards him with a smile, just like running to her favorite man.

"Slow down, Lingling."


Who is he calling?

But her name is Shulan, not Lingling.

"Lingling, you are my Lingling."

The man whispered and his eyebrows were full of spoil.

"I\'m your spirit? Yunting, I hurt, I hurt so much."

"It doesn\'t hurt. I\'m here. Darling, I\'ll rub it for you."

The man\'s soft voice sounded in his ear. Shu Lan slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were in a trance when she just woke up. It was unclear whether it was a dream or reality.

I just feel inexplicably sad all over my body and want to hold someone to talk about grievances.

"Are you awake? Why are you crying?"

The man\'s voice sounded again with a trace of love.

A warm corner of the eye refers to the temperature of the man\'s abdomen.

Now, Shulan really woke up.

Suddenly, he looked sideways and found that Fu Yunting was lying on his side.

And she held her in her arms!

Shu Lan: "

What is this!