Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 923

Shulan had a dream.

He raised his eyes and smiled at himself. That smile

Shulan suddenly opened her eyes.


Whose face is that?

Why is the man in the dream Fu Yunting?

Crazy, crazy!

Smelly man, he must have teased himself yesterday!

Shulan blushed and her heart beat. She covered her hot face and got into the quilt.

He sniffed the air in the quilt and frowned slightly.

Well, why is it different from her smell before going to bed?

There seems to be another slightly familiar flavor.

Nice smell, light mint fragrance.

That\'s The smell of Fu Yunting?


be dying!

Why think of him again?

Shu Lan was so embarrassed that she quickly sat up, but she cried out.

What\'s going on?

Is it because I was too tired to visit the garden yesterday?

It seems that we should strengthen exercise at ordinary times.

Shulan shook her head and didn\'t think much.

He beat his sour and soft waist, got out of bed and opened the door to wash.

I didn\'t know that I would do this because someone stole incense.

In the washroom, Gu Luoluo was brushing his teeth. When he saw Shu Lan coming in, he said hello to her.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Lolo."

Shulan squeezed toothpaste and smiled at Gu Luoluo. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"OK, and you?"

"It\'s OK."

Just had a spring dream.

Shulan brushed her teeth and said this out of her mouth.

Gu Lolo vomited a white foam. He glimpses at the neck of Shulan when he looked down.

"Shulan, last night, you..."


Shu Lan blinked and looked suspiciously at Gu Luoluo.

Gu Luoluo opened his mouth and stopped talking.

Finally, she smiled, "nothing. There may be insects in your room. I\'ll ask the housekeeper to spray some insecticide in your room tonight."

The red marks on the neck were obviously sucked out by the man.

So did Fu Yunting know that she sneaked into her room last night?

It seems that she doesn\'t know what she is like now.

Fu Yunting is very good at playing.

"There are insects in the room? How could it be?"

Shu Lan was surprised. She looked up into the mirror and found several red marks on her neck.

"Ah, why am I so red here? There are really insects?"


Still a big bug!

Gu Luoluo was funny and only admired a man\'s good psychological quality.

I don\'t know how he left a trace on Shulan unknowingly.

They washed, changed their clothes and went downstairs.

Downstairs in the restaurant, Mrs. Fu and Mrs. Zhang are teasing the children in the stroller, while Fu Yunting, who is browsing the news, sits on one side.

Shu Lan and Gu Luoluo greeted old lady Fu. Old lady Fu smiled and said, "are you up? Come and have breakfast."


Shu Lan and Gu Luoluo smiled and sat down on the table.

"Lan Lan, did you sleep well last night?" Mrs. Fu asked.

"Very good. I didn\'t recognize the bed."

Shu Lan smiled and didn\'t say much.

Fu Yunting\'s eyes lingered around her neck, and there was a touch of evil in her black eyes.

Gu Luoluo looked at his nose, nose and heart and ate breakfast silently.

Silently looking forward to what Fu Yunting will do next.