Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 919


"Be careful."

Fu Yunting hurriedly helped Shu Lan, and Jun\'s face was full of concern.

"Is your foot twisted? Let me see."

The sun poured down the golden halo through the clouds, making the woman\'s ankles more porcelain white and delicate.

Yingying grip, delicate and lovely.

Shulan was still in shock and her face was burning badly.

I don\'t know whether I was suddenly frightened or scalded by the temperature of a man\'s fingers.

"I\'m fine."

Shu Lan hurriedly took a step back, straightened her long hair that was disordered by the wind, and her eyes twinkled.

Glancing at the opposite plantation, she pointed flustered and said, "I\'ll go over there."

How can you do anything to her?

It seemed that there was still a man\'s warm touch on his ankle. Shu Lan trotted to the plantation to let the breeze dissipate the heat on his face.

Behind him, Fu Yunting straightened up slowly and watched the woman run away like a flustered little rabbit, with a stronger smile in his eyes.

Panic what?

He\'s her real husband, okay!

He knew that no matter whether she had memory or not, she could not resist her charm!

In the plantation, Shu Lan calmed her heartbeat and talked casually with the servants inside.

"Here is a pear tree, there is a peach tree, and there..."

A servant respectfully explained the tree species in the plantation to Shu Lan.

Fu Yunting strode in, and several servants greeted Fu Yunting respectfully.

Fu Yunting nodded slightly and looked at the woman who didn\'t look at him. "Sister-in-law, do you want to plant some fruit trees by hand? When the harvest comes, you should have a sense of achievement to eat the fruits you planted by yourself."

Shulan\'s heartbeat has returned to normal.

Hearing Fu Yunting\'s inquiry, he was immediately interested.


"Come here."

Fu Yunting hooked his lips, took the hoe handed to him by the servant, squatted down and began to dig the earth.

Shulan walked up to him and blinked as she watched him do these rough jobs.

Didn\'t expect him to put down his body and do these things?

"Brother, do you want me to do it?"

Didn\'t she plant it herself?

Why just let her hold the small seedlings?

"You have something to do later."

Fu Yunting raised his eyes and smiled at her.

The handsome facial features and bright smile are dazzling in this idyllic life.

Evil, what a charming evil!

Shulan trembled in her heart, quickly stabilized her mood and tried not to think blindly.

"Well, you can plant the sapling and water it."

Fu Yunting patted the dust off his hands and motioned Shu Lan to do it.

This is the pear tree they planted together. He waited for her to recover her memory and eat the fruit they planted together.

Shu Lan obediently planted the saplings and then filled the soil.

Looking at the water pipe on one side, a servant had already opened the tap for her.

She picked it up and watered the planted seedlings.

After planting the orchid, I feel comfortable, but the water pipe is still heavy in my heart.

Just as he was getting angry, the water pipe shook and accidentally spilled water on Fu Yunting.

Fu Yunting: "

Did someone burn him as a seedling?

"Ah, brother, I\'m sorry. I was careless."

After Shulan was stunned at first, she began to play with her heart. She said sorry, but the water pipe in her hand didn\'t take away and spilled it on someone wantonly.

The sun poured down and lit up the excited little face of the woman.

It\'s hard to stop her prank.

Fu Yunting\'s heart was soft, but his face pretended to be fierce, "younger brother and sister, you deliberately? Don\'t take away the water pipe quickly?"

"Ah? The water pipe is too heavy for me to control."

"Ha ha!"
