Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 909

The downtown area of Haicheng is bustling and lively.

Shu Lan sat in the back seat of the car and looked at the street view passing through the window. Her eyes were full of freshness.

There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and real-time news is broadcast on the huge LED electronic screen.

The traffic flow on the road is like shuttle, and the pedestrians walking on the street are like tide.

Gu Luoluo held the sleepy little bean in his arms, glanced at Shu Lan, who was enjoying the scenery, and pursed his red lips.

He took out his mobile phone, scratched the news, and sighed when he saw the message he had just sent to Fu Yunting.

I didn\'t expect to have the potential to be a spy.

Fu Yunting informed her early in the morning that Fu Xichen was going on a business trip.

Ask her to be his inside man and cooperate with Fu Xichen during his departure, so that he can get along with Shu Lan.

Is she a double agent?

"Lolo, where are we going now?"

Seeing the car turning into the parking lot, Shu Lan asked.

"Niannian\'s pacifier is going to be bigger. Let\'s go to the mother and baby store first." Guluoluo road.


When the car stopped steadily, Shu Lan got out of the car. They carried the child into the baby stroller and walked towards the front.

Entering the mother and baby chain store, Shu Lan looked at the place with beautiful shopping environment and tilted her head.

Very familiar feeling, like seen in a dream?

Shu Lan picked her eyebrows, pushed a shopping cart and looked at the goods at will.

Gu Luoluo walked absently with the baby cart in his hand and looked around. When he saw the back of a man inside, he couldn\'t help but hook his lips.

Looks like someone has been waiting for a long time?

The pace slowed down. Gu Luoluo pretended to choose things and distanced himself from Shu Lan.

Ahead, Shu Lan was immersed in the fun of shopping.

Looking at the small and delicate objects, I was tickling with my hands.

This smart toy can be played when you grow up.

That looks like it should be suitable for three-year-old children, right?

Shulan felt sick in her heart and was reaching out to get a toy. The other one stretched out at the same time and covered her hand all at once.

Shu Lan was stunned and looked sideways at Fu Yunting\'s dark eyes.

Is that him?

Shu Lan blinked and hurriedly took her hand out of his palm.

"Big brother?"

What brother?

It should be called husband!

Fu Yunting\'s eyes were slightly heavy, and a trace of discomfort flashed on his face, but it was fleeting.

"What a coincidence."

It\'s a coincidence.

Shu Lan smiled at him and moved aside warily.

She remembered that Fu Xichen said that his big brother had a bad temper.

Now that your wife is gone, don\'t do anything irrational.

A woman seems to avoid her for fear of being in a hurry. Fu Yunting is angry and helpless.

Little woman, open your eyes and see clearly that he is her husband!

"How did big brother come to the mother and baby store to buy things?"

Seeing that Fu Yunting had been following him, Shu Lan frowned and asked.

"Because I have a lovely son."

Fu Yunting picked up a bottle and thought of the scene that he accompanied his beloved woman to the mother and baby store a year ago. His deep eyes looked at Shu Lan.

"A year ago, my beloved woman was pregnant. We walked across the street in this store. I can still remember that scene."

Dear wife, can\'t you really remember?

It doesn\'t matter if he can\'t remember. He will accompany her and slowly make her remember the past.

A man\'s eyes are deep and quiet, with affectionate thoughts. Looking at her is like looking at his beloved woman.

Shulan\'s heart jumped and he hurriedly didn\'t turn his head and didn\'t touch his sight.

"Well, brother, it seems that you have deep feelings for your sister-in-law. This is a good thing, but you can\'t go too far. If you feel that you are in a trance, you\'d better not hide from the doctor."