Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 898

Did his mother buy the medicine?

So the warm child didn\'t have this thing. His mother actually planned it?

Is she colluding with an Xueyan to miscarry the child in the warm belly?

Jiang Lingfeng couldn\'t tell what it was like in his heart, but the strength in his hand increased unconsciously.

"An Xueyan, you..."

A strange fragrance came from the end of the nose.

Jiang Lingfeng suddenly recovered, but it was too late.

In the blurred vision, an Xueyan looked at himself proudly with a sachet in his hand.

"Ann Xueyan, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Lingfeng felt weak, and his body was soon held up by the bodyguards on both sides.

"Cough, cough, cough."

An Xueyan gasped and coughed violently.

She crossed her waist with one hand and looked at Jiang Lingfeng\'s Scarlet eyes. She tried to keep clear but helpless, so she couldn\'t help laughing happily.

"Cluck cluck, Ling Feng, don\'t be afraid, I won\'t do anything to you. Anyway, you don\'t like me now, and I\'m not dead skinned. It\'s up to you. But... I don\'t want you to live with warmth so smoothly."

There is overpowering drug in the sachet bag. Next, she will sing a good play for Jiang Lingfeng and Nuan anyway.

An Xueyan went to the tea table, picked up the cup on the table and drank more than half of the cup of water. After the discomfort in her throat eased slightly, she hooked her red lips and looked at one of the bodyguards.

The bodyguard gives Jiang Lingfeng to another bodyguard, strides to the inside and brings out a man.

The man was tall and thin, wearing a pair of eyes and a slight jaw toward an Xueyan.

An Xueyan walked up to the man and said with a smile, "doctor Yu, please come on in a minute."

The man didn\'t say anything more. He just hooked his lips, went to Jiang Lingfeng and took out a tool like a clock from his pocket.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s hand desperately clenched his fist, trying to keep himself clear.

But he couldn\'t help it, and his expression became more and more clear.

On one side, an Xueyan held his chest with both hands and looked at Jiang Lingfeng with great interest. His eyes gradually became dull. He walked slowly over and squatted down beside him.

Just about to say something, the mobile phone in Jiangling windbag rang.

The doctor frowned and watched Jiang Lingfeng wake up, motioning an Xueyan to take away his mobile phone.

An Xueyan nodded, took out Jiang Lingfeng\'s mobile phone and took a look. He saw that the caller ID above was Xiaoli, and his eyes turned.

Xiao Li?

It should be taking care of the warm maid in the villa.

What are you calling for?

She went inside and connected the call. She heard the woman at the other end of the phone anxiously say, "Sir, it\'s not good. Mrs. Shao left a note."

You ran away from home?

An Xueyan was stunned, and then the corners of his mouth began to think about it.

Obviously, the loss of children has a great impact on warmth.

She determined in her heart that Xu LAN killed her child, and Xu LAN took a tough attitude in front of the reporter. She would not admit that she was warm as the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family.

Such an impact made her unable to stay with Jiang Lingfeng, so she chose to escape from reality and run away from home?

Ha ha, that\'s nice!

This is what she wants to see.

The warmth did not live up to her expectations.

An Xueyan hung up the phone, her apricot eyes shining.

Just running away from home?

Isn\'t it more interesting if you don\'t want to come back once you leave?

An Xueyan turned her eyes, changed her original plan, walked to Jiang Lingfeng and squatted down.

The room was silent. Only the pendulum in front of Jiang Lingfeng kept swinging, which captured people\'s hearts and souls.