Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 874

Hearing an Xueyan\'s words, Xu lanruo thought, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, an Xueyan couldn\'t help but say, and directly poured the chicken soup into a thermos cup.

"Let\'s go, aunt. I\'ll accompany you to see the warmth."


Xu LAN hesitated, and xueyan\'an took her arm. "Aunt, don\'t worry, I\'ll accompany you, and I\'ll help you persuade her."

"Well, let\'s find her."

Xu LAN nodded and was encouraged by an Xueyan to go out of Jiang\'s old house and go straight to Jiang Lingfeng\'s villa.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s villa.

Warm, insert the trimmed flowers in the bottle and play with them.

Looking around, I looked at the villa I decorated myself and bent my lips.

It\'s really great to build a love nest for yourself and your lover.

On a whim, warm took a self photo of herself.

The background is freshly manipulated flowers.

Bending his lips, he edited the photo and sent it to Jiang Lingfeng.

"Husband, beautiful flowers or beautiful people?"

The information was not returned immediately. I think I should be busy.

Warm put the cell phone aside. I was going to do something when the doorbell rang.

Who will be here at this time?

Warm ran to the door. When she saw Xu LAN and an Xueyan in the cat\'s eye, she suddenly stopped smiling.

Why are they together?

Thinking of the unhappy meeting with Xu LAN yesterday, I touched my belly warmly and felt some drums in my heart.

Open the door, warm toward Xu LAN curved lips, "Mom."

Xu LAN, with a faint expression, passed her and entered the door.

On one side, an Xueyan smiled at her warm eyebrows. "Younger martial sister\'s action is so fast that she got the certificate with Ling Feng? I\'ll accompany my aunt to congratulate you. Won\'t you be unwelcome?"

"An Xueyan, you don\'t look very good. It seems that you have nightmares at night? If I say you\'re not welcome, will you leave immediately?"

Warm stare at an Xueyan and speak frankly.

She didn\'t want to make friends with her.

I don\'t care if I tear my face.


An Xueyan didn\'t expect to be warm and didn\'t even want to do superficial Kung Fu. He couldn\'t help but change his face.

But thinking of something, he calmed down again.

"Younger martial sister, I came with my aunt. Do you really want to make trouble with me in front of my aunt? You can\'t hold your breath like this, and you\'re not afraid to make your aunt who is not fond of you feel that you are petty and incompetent to be the head mother of the Jiang family?"

Do you really think you have secured the position of the Jiang family as the housewife?

She\'ll wait to see her jokes!

Looking at an Xueyan\'s delicate face, he didn\'t say much at last.

She didn\'t intend to really rush Ann Xueyan away.

After all, she came with Xu LAN.

If you don\'t look at the monk\'s face, you should also look at the Buddha\'s face.

Turn around and go inside again.

The smile on an Xueyan\'s face closed, his eyes swept to the thermos cup in his hand, and the corners of his mouth were cold.

"Xueyan, why don\'t you come in?"

Xu Lan\'s cry came from inside. An Xueyan put on a decent smile again, "I\'m coming in."

Sitting opposite Xu LAN in the living room, Jiang Lingfeng asked the servant who came to take care of her daily life to pour Xu LAN a glass of water.

The two sat speechless.

An Xueyan walked in slowly and handed the chicken soup to the servant.

"Younger martial sister, aunt is really the best mother-in-law I\'ve ever seen. You see, she thinks about your daughter-in-law and asks her servant to cook chicken soup for you early in the morning."

Xu LAN asked someone to stew chicken soup for her early in the morning?

Why does she feel so strange?

Warm pursed her lips, and glanced at Xu LAN opposite. She was flattered and confused.