Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 866

"Who will not pay attention to you? Warm?"

"Who else would there be without her?"

Xu Lan said, "I asked her to kill the child and marry Ling Fengyin for two years. Wait until the limelight passes. But she refused to beat the child. She still had to say that the child was Ling Feng\'s."

"What kind of heart do you think she has? Don\'t you pay attention to me at all? It\'s clear that the child is someone else\'s, but she insists it\'s Ling Feng\'s? Does she think that Ling Feng is protecting her now, and she will be the master of the Jiang family in the future, so she can be lawless?"

A paragraph of words made an Xueyan\'s eyes and heart move slightly.

It can be seen that Xu LAN is very angry.

But there\'s nothing I can do.

Because Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t listen to her.

"Aunt, in this way, warmth will really give birth to the child. But we all know that the child is definitely not Ling Feng\'s. in the future, the child will not shame Ling Feng. It\'s not worth it to think about it."

"Yes! That\'s why I\'m in a hurry to let her kill the child, but she\'s good..."

Xu Lan\'s chest heaved with anger.

"Aunt, we all know Ling Feng\'s character. Now that it\'s a foregone conclusion, he can\'t abandon warmth. In this case, the child in the warm belly can\'t stay. We can\'t let the arrival of this child damage the reputation of the Jiang family and make the Jiang family laugh and generous a hundred years later."

An Xueyan took a sip of tea and a hint of calculation flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, I know, but warm her..."

"If she refuses to kill her child, is there no other way? For example, if she suddenly eats something she shouldn\'t eat, the child in her stomach..."

An Xueyan meant something, and there was a cold feeling in her smile.

If you can provoke Xu LAN and let her knock out the child in her warm belly, can she live in peace with Xu LAN?

One is the mother and the other is the wife. Who can Jiang Lingfeng help in the middle?

The most difficult thing in the family is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Warm wants to live a happy life with Jiang Lingfeng, so she wants to plant a thorn in their hearts!

Xu LAN stared at an Xueyan in front of her and thought about her words again and again.


Fu Group underground parking lot.

Fu Yunting sat in the car, with a cigarette between his slender and beautiful fingers, blurring the cold in his eyes.

He is waiting for Fu Xichen.

Waiting for a rabbit is far more direct and effective than going up to him directly.

He just wanted to know where Fu Xichen had transferred his wife!


The sound of unlocking the car lock.

From a distance, Fu Xichen\'s figure stopped in front of his car.

Open the door, enter the cab, and the car slowly leaves.

Fu Yunting had deep black eyes, took a deep breath of smoke, lost his cigarette butt, started the car, drove out slowly and followed up quietly.

As the car moved forward, Fu Yunting looked at the familiar driving route and raised a sneer in his mouth.

So he moved people to a villa in the suburbs?

Are you confident?

I didn\'t deliberately hide people.

Fu Yunting stepped on the accelerator. There was a cold storm in his black eyes and followed Fu Xichen\'s car.

There were few cars on the road. Fu Xichen in front of him glanced casually and saw the vehicles behind him.

The hand holding the steering wheel tightened slightly, but the corners of his mouth aroused a faint smile.

Did you finally find out?

Fu Yunting, he finally found it!

But what if you find it?

She doesn\'t remember him for a long time.

He was curious about how he would look out of control when they met!