Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 864

"Mom, this child may be Ling Feng\'s, I can\'t..."

"Shut up!"

Xu Lan\'s face was livid. "Do you dare to say such brazen words? Our Jiang family is really guilty. How can we meet you? Warm you, think it over for me, either divorce my son or kill the child!"

Either divorce or kill the child!

I don\'t want to choose one.

"Mom, I..."

"Don\'t call me mom!"

Xu LAN stared at Wen, "before you make a choice, please call me Mrs. Jiang!"

The warm mouth mumbled and her fingers curled up tightly. Finally, she said, "sorry, mom, I won\'t leave Lingfeng, and I won\'t kill the child. Please believe me once? This child must be Lingfeng\'s!"


Xu LAN felt warm on the tip of his fingers and trembled with anger.

"OK, good! Warm, I really underestimate you! If you don\'t kill the child, I won\'t admit you are our Jiang family\'s daughter-in-law in my life! Go! Go now! Don\'t appear in my sight again! I feel disgusted when I see you!"

What a wicked woman!

She\'s so angry!

She is the mother of the Jiang family. She retreats again and again, but people are about to climb over her head.

Warm opened his mouth, looked at Xu Lan\'s angry face, and finally swallowed his words.

"Mom, please calm down and I\'ll go first."

I\'m sorry!

She knew that it was difficult for Xu LAN to change her mind at once.

But she believed that it was man-made.

She will try!


The sound of a cup breaking came from the closed door.

It shows how angry Xu LAN is.

Warm pursed lips, slightly drooped eyes, raised his hand and stroked his lower abdomen.

The little life here has experienced a lot of hardships along the way, but still lives tenaciously.

What right does she have to give him up!

Children, stay strong with your mother!

Warm and deep breathed, and walked out with a firm face.

Not far away, an Xueyan came out of the private room. At a casual glance, he saw the warmth coming out of the private room.

Thinking of being frightened by her that night and being restless in sleep these nights, an Xueyan\'s exquisite face twisted for a while.

Warm, she and she are at odds!

At this time, Xu LAN came out of the private room with an undisguised anger on his face.

An Xueyan\'s Apricot eyes narrowed and her red lips were slightly hooked.

It seems warm came to see Xu LAN.

And they didn\'t talk happily!

Good thing!

An Xueyan came forward and pretended to be surprised. "Hey, aunt, it\'s really you? The side looks so young. I thought I recognized the wrong person."

Hearing an Xueyan\'s compliment, Xu LAN looked at her up and down, and then said with a smile: "it\'s Xueyan? I haven\'t seen you for so long, but my mouth is still so sweet."

"Where, aunt\'s temperament has always been very good. I\'ll tell you the truth."

An Xueyan flattered and looked around, "aunt, do you have an appointment with someone?"

"Well, but it\'s just over."

Xu Lan\'s face sank again at the thought of warmth.

An Xueyan\'s eyes flashed with interest, "aunt, we haven\'t seen each other for a long time. Why don\'t we sit down and have a chat?"


Xu Lanzheng is full of complaints. She wants someone to listen to her.

What\'s more, this person is an Xueyan.

Once she was very optimistic about the girl. It\'s a pity that her son didn\'t catch up with others.

When the two entered the private room, an Xueyan glanced at the broken cup on the ground and couldn\'t help blinking.

It seems that Xu LAN has great resentment against warmth!