Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 850

"What\'s your name, old man? How many years have you lived here?"

Fu Yunting took a puff of smoke, and the curl of smoke blurred the man\'s handsome face.

"My family name is Liu. Our ancestors lived here for generations."

Fu Yunting nodded, took out a pile of money and handed it to the man, "uncle Liu, the man inside and I may trouble you two in the past two days. Take this money."

"No, no, just stay for two days. It\'s not a big deal."

"Take it."

Fu Yunting said involuntarily and stuffed the money into the man\'s pocket. "Uncle Liu, I have something else to consult you."

Seeing that Fu Yunting insisted on giving money, the man was a little embarrassed.

Hearing that he had something to consult, he quickly nodded and said, "you ask, as long as I know, I will tell you."

The man is very handsome and his identity is not vulgar at first sight.

And the woman inside

"Uncle Liu, in fact, I\'m looking for someone. A woman who looks similar to the one inside. I don\'t know if you\'ve seen it."

Fu Yunting dusted the ash and stared at the man\'s eyes with black eyes.

He still remembers the man looking at shaheshi when he entered the house.

There was surprise and doubt.

What information is there in it?

"Yes, I\'ve really seen a girl who looks a little similar to the little girl inside."

The man raised his eyebrows and nodded again and again, as if he was happy to answer Fu Yunting\'s question.

"Have you really seen her? Where is she?"

Sure enough, the old man met Lingling.

"I\'ve seen it."

The man pointed to the jungle. "She should have lived in that villa all the time. She doesn\'t usually come out. If I hadn\'t seen him when I went fishing some time ago, I didn\'t know there was such a beautiful little girl living in the villa."

Beautiful little girl, it should be his spirit.

Fu Yunting took a hard smoke, and his eyebrows were full of depth.

"Who is she, sir? I remember the little girl seems to have a child. She took the children out for a walk with two other little girls a few days ago."

She has another child!

Fu Yunting has dark eyes and doubts in his heart. Where did the child come from.

According to what warm said, the child is called Niannian, which is the name given by her Godfather.

She guessed that the child might be Cheng Rongjiu\'s child.

If it is Cheng Rongjiu\'s child, then the child may be Ji Linhan\'s.

But if Ji Linhan was born, why should he be raised by Xia Ling?

It seems that there are too many questions that can only be known by seeing the parties with their own eyes.

The cell phone in my pocket vibrated.

Fu Yunting took it out and looked at it. He couldn\'t help but squint and hook the corner of his mouth.

John has got Suho\'s hair.


Fu Yunting pointed his finger and sent a positioning to his assistant.

"Come to me in the middle of the night."

He will confirm as soon as possible whether the fake is Shaxi!

"Yunting, what are you talking about?"

Xia Xi\'s voice came from behind. Fu Yunting took a deep breath of smoke and threw away the butt.

"If you don\'t have anything to talk about, just talk about it."

Fu Yunting glanced at her and looked at the man again. "Uncle Liu, I\'m very happy to chat with you. I\'ve bothered you these two days."

"No trouble, no trouble. I\'ll help make more dishes."

The man had never made so much money at once and ran into the house happily.

There are only Fu Yunting and Xia Xi outside the house.

Fu Yunting stared at Xia Xi\'s face, slightly bent his lips, reached out and stroked her hair, with soft eyebrows and eyes.

"Are you tired?"