Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 847

Early in the morning, Fu Yunting\'s villa, everything was as usual.

The fragrance of food filled the space, mixed with the carefree hum of the baby.

Lanmei and Aunt Li still have a loving face, waiting on the little Douding in the cradle.

Fu Yunting drank coffee and looked at the little Douding picked up by Aunt Li, with a soft streak in his deep eyes.

Son, wait until dad brings mom back.

"Good morning, Yunting."

Xia Xi came down from upstairs yawning. She was surprised to see Fu Yunting downstairs.

"It\'s getting late. If you don\'t get up again, I want Aunt Li to wake you up."

Fu Yunting put down his coffee cup and looked at Xia Xi\'s lips.

"Hmm? Yunting, what do you mean?"

Xia Xi looked puzzled and uncertain about what Fu Yunting wanted to say.

"Lingling, you want to take you out for a trip."

In a word, Xia Xi opened her eyes in shock and ran to Fu Yunting excitedly, "take me out to travel? Yunting, are you serious?"

"Of course."

Fu Yunting avoided Xia Xi\'s body without trace. "Lingling, I\'ve packed up my things. You hurry upstairs and change your clothes. We\'ll start now."

"Let\'s go now? Just the two of us?"

Xia Xi asked excitedly, unable to believe it.

"Just the two of us."

"Yun Ting, you really are. Why didn\'t you tell me such a big thing earlier?"

Xia Xi was very excited. "Wait for me, I\'ll come down right away."

Men\'s attitude towards themselves is really changing!

That is great!

She wants to make use of this trip to completely turn herself into his woman!

"Yunting, why is it so sudden?"

Lanmei walked up to Fu Yunting with her baby. "Where are you going to take Lingling?"

"Just walk around and have a look, mom. Don\'t worry."

Fu Yunting comforted LAN Mei and glanced at Aunt Li. "Aunt Li, my mother-in-law and my son asked you to take care of them."

"Don\'t worry, sir and madam. Take care of me."

Although she didn\'t know what Mr. planned to do, she believed that it was not far from the truth being revealed.

I hope God bless that the real wife can return safely, and her son and grandson can be found back smoothly.

Xia Xi upstairs was so excited that she dressed herself up and soon went downstairs.

"Yunting, I\'m ready to go."

"Well, let\'s go."

"Yunting, where are you going to take me?"

"Keep it a secret and come with me."


The door was closed. LAN Mei sighed when she saw Xia Xi\'s still indifferent attitude towards herself.

Aunt Li, who was on the other side, knew well. She took the baby from her hand and said, "does madam feel like she has changed and won\'t be close to you?"

"Yes, Aunt Li, do you think Lingling hates me?"

Thinking of Xia Ling\'s estranged attitude towards herself in recent months, LAN Mei couldn\'t help sighing.

"Madam, what my wife loves most is you. Think about how my wife takes care of you without complaint and regret after you have been unconscious in bed for so many years?"

Aunt Li comforted vaguely, "don\'t worry. Wait for her to slow down. After a while, you will find that her wife has changed back to the original gentle and kind-hearted wife."

As long as the husband finds the real wife back, everything will return to the original state.

The fake was kicked out, and the wife was still the same as before.

"Well, my daughter is the best gift God has given me. What am I thinking?"

"Yes, madam, please relax."
