Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 840

Hearing Xia Xi\'s words, Fu Yunting narrowed his black eyes and felt a few accidents and surprises.

Does this fake know design?

Although the design concept is different, it is right.

Besides, it sounds familiar.

The scene of telling the target in Fu\'s speech a year ago flashed through my mind.

At that time, Xia had not been acquired by Fu. Xia\'s faction said that the target people were Xia Ling and Xia Xi


Fu Ting\'s mind was shocked quickly.

Recalling the woman\'s familiarity with the design and the elaboration of two different designs, he finally understood where it was familiar.

The design concept of this fake just now is very similar to that of Xia Xi.

Could it be Shaxi?

Will the person who counterfeits Xia Ling be Xia Xi?

Fu Yunting stared at Xia Xi, as if to see through her.

Seeing that Fu Yunting didn\'t speak, he just stared at himself. Xia Xi was inexplicably and uneasy.

"What\'s the matter, Yunting? Did I say the wrong thing?"

She seems to have made another mistake.

This was designed by Xia Ling herself. Since it was her hand, how could she easily say how to modify the design scheme?

She didn\'t hold her breath again.

Xia Xi curled up her fingers and quickly said to herself, "look at me, it\'s just not suitable to be president Xia. It\'s too kind of a woman. Because she can\'t bear to watch Li Gong get fired, she thought..... Forget it. Anyway, I\'m not president Xia now. Everything is up to you."

She attributed everything to her kindness, and she just didn\'t want to see the old employees dismissed for revising the design.

Now, Fu Yunting should not be suspicious.

Fu Yunting looked at Xia Xi calmly and finally smiled, "my spirit is still so kind. But this is a design that you and I have jointly completed. I can\'t let our efforts be destroyed by others. So, what we should do."

Play with him?

Think it\'s so round that people can\'t see the flaw?

It might have been possible before, but now

Fu Yunting remained calm and had an idea in his mind.

Xia Xi was relieved to see Fu Yunting smile.

She came forward and took Fu Yunting\'s hand and said coquettishly, "well, Yunting, you are the head of the family. I listen to you."

"OK, let\'s go."

"Hey, Xia Gong, please help me to plead with President Fu again."

The man didn\'t give up and begged behind them.

Xia Xi turned back and cut him fiercely. The cruelty in his eyes made the man stunned and even stopped.

This look is not the fierce look that Xia Gong would show before!

Why do you suddenly feel like a different person!

Fu Yunting didn\'t stop more on the construction site and drove to the urban area.

If you have doubts in your heart, you will seek confirmation in this regard.

Fu Yunting glanced at the woman who was tidying up her hair in the cab and hooked her lips. "Lingling, you should not remember that when you came to the company to talk about the standard, besides you, you also had your half sister Xiaxi. Your sister was very frivolous. She was right with you everywhere and missed your man. Don\'t think about it. How can Fu Yunting see her?"

Satirical ridicule made Xiaxi\'s hand finishing her hair a meal, and the expression on her face suddenly changed.

Even if it is Xia Ling\'s face, the core is still his own.

The feeling of being ridiculed by the man you like in front of you is really heartbreaking.

"Really? Who makes you so attractive?"

Xiaxi adjusted her facial expression, "so I decided to see you firmly in the future and don\'t let other women covet you."

The conversation was very smooth.

But her expression betrayed her.

Fu Yunting didn\'t miss the ugly expression on her face. He wondered more whether the woman in front of him was Xia Xi sent abroad by him.

Later, he asked his assistant abroad to check Xia Xi\'s whereabouts and see where Xia Xi is now!